NY AgED/FFA Directory and Teacher List Serve Updates 
Do you know a teacher in your area who isn't on our email list serves or educator directory? Have you changed schools, emails, or recently been married? Let us know through this form so we can keep our educator database and email lists up to date!
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Email *
What is your name? (First and Last, please) *
Name of the person who needs to be added (if different than yourself)
Email of the person who needs to be added (if different than yourself)
School District Name *
School Campus Name
Email address
What action needs to be taken? (check all that apply) *
Please include any necessary information to accomplish this task (see details below). *
Task requirements:
To add teachers to any directory, we need the teacher name, teacher email address and school the teacher is associated with.

To add a school to a directory, we need:
- Is this an interested program without courses yet, a program that is actively teaching agriculture or a chartered FFA chapter?
- School Name, Address, Teacher name, Email address.  
- FFA Chapter Name and number, if relevant.
FFA Chapter Number (IE- NY0000)
FFA Chapter Name (how you would like this to appear on the directory. This should be the same as it appears with FFA.org)
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