BRC Safety Quiz
Please answer the questions below. This test is based on information contained in the BRC Safety Program and appendices.
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1. Every member must be familiar with and shall obey all safety rules, regulations and requirements.. *
Select the best answer
2. What are the goals of the BRC Safety Program? *
Select the best answer
3. Which hazard / risk is not normally associated with the sport of rowing *
Select one.
4. The two most serious hazards associated with the sport of rowing are _______ and _______ *
Stop Commands
5. What is the emergency stop call for all rowing shells? *
Select the best answer
6. When your crew boat has capsized during a practice session with a coach boat you must do the following: *
Select the best answer
7. Before going out on the water, responsibilities of the athletes are: *
Select the best answer
Basic Boating Terms
8. When two shells are passing one another in opposite directions, while following the BRC Navigation Pattern for Kempenfelt Bay  they are to pass, *
Complete the sentence with the best answer
BRC Navigation Pattern
9. How long do you wait after lightning is observed over Kempenfelt Bay or the immediate vicinity before taking a shell on the water? *
Select the best answer
10. The coach / safety boat shall be equipped with: *
Select all that apply
11.  What is the required air horn blast number to indicate a boat in distress? *
Match the number of horn signal blasts to the correct action  
12.  What airhorn signal lets you know to move close to shore and await further instruction? *
Match the number of horn signal blasts to the correct action  
13.  What is the required airhorn signal for the call to return to dock? *
Match the number of horn signal blasts to the correct action  
14.  What is the maximum distance from shore for any rowing shell on Kempenfelt Bay, even when accompanied by a safety boat? *
Select the best answer
15. Part A -  To avoid collisions with obstacles or other boats on the water a rower needs to wear a ______ and / or look every _____ strokes behind them. *
Fill in the Blanks. First Blank,
15. Part B *
Second Blank
Launching/Docking Pattern
16. When launching from the BRC dock, rowing shells must head in ... *
Select the best answer
17. When docking, rowing shells must approach from the east *
Select the best answer
18. Returning (docking) shells have priority over launching shells *
Select the best answer
19. When rowing club boats without a coach boat, the buddy system must be used. *
Select the best answer
20. When rowing without a coach boat all rowing shells must carry a PFD for each rower and coxie, as well as a safety kit. *
Select the best answer
21. A safety kit consists of a bailer, a throwing line, a whistle and a waterproof flashlight (if out after dark or before sunrise). *
Select the best answer
Cold Water
22. During cold water conditions a submersed body will lose body heat ... *
Complete the sentence
23. Cold Water Restrictions are considered to be in effect from, *
Select all that apply
24. When a rowing shell  becomes submerged or tips, the recommended course of action is to abandon the shell and swim for shore. *
Select the best answer
Safe Landing Areas and Hazards
25. How many safe landing areas are available on the North Shore according to the map excluding Heritage Park Beach pullout?   *
26. If you are rowing East of Brentwood Marina and require a Safe Landing Area, which is the closest location identified on the map? *
27. How many Hazards are identifed on the West Shore of the map? *
28. Tiffin Street boat launch is considered a potential hazard because *
29. All rowing shells are required to be signed out before leaving the boat bay *
30. Shoes left on the dock pose a potential tripping hazard for other rowers
Clear selection
31. Coxies must be approved by the BRC Head Coach prior to signing out a boat. *
Congratulations. You have completed the compulsory questions for the Safety Quiz. Please scroll to the bottom of the document to submit.
Additional Resources
Rowing Canada Safety Video                         

Barrie Rowing Club Safety Plan                                  
Transport Canada, Safe Boating Guide                     

Interactive Safety Map of Kempenfelt Bay              

Bonus Questions (optional)
Test your rowing knowledge
a. In rowing the term "pin" refers to, (select 2 responses)
b. The feet are connected to the rowing shell by the,
c. The adjustable flange on the sleeve of the oar that rests against the oarlock and keeps the oar from sliding through the oarlock is called,
Clear selection
d. It is ___________ job to remove goose poop from the dock
e.This term is primarily used to refer to the length of the oar from the button to the end of the handle. More ______  will make the oar feel lighter on the drive.
Clear selection
f. This is the distance between the pins on a scull. Boats are typically rigged with 160 cm of ______.
Clear selection
Sculling Boat
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