Women Healing Women- Interest Form
Are you ready to dive deep into how God created you as a woman to be interconnected?  Join Amber for a 9-week counseling group experience where you will learn about the connections between your mental, physical and spiritual health.  Amber will also facilitate a weekly group sessions that will serve as a safe place to know others and be known.  Vulnerability, authenticity and depth are our core values, along with sensitivity to the Holy Spirit.  The start date is mid September.  We will explore topics such as emotional health, hormone balance, cyclical patterns and If you're excited about this possibility, Amber would love to hear your thoughts below:
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What draws you to this opportunity?  What is your hope?
Do you have any suggestions for topics you'd like to learn about or ideas to share with Amber?
Describe your current state of mental, physical & spiritual health:
How would you describe your relationship with the Holy Spirit?  
What is your preference for location?
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What is your preference for time?  (Check any that would be a possibility for you)
How did you hear about this women's group?
Do you have questions or anything else to share?
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