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An abbreviated version of this open letter follows. Signing will add your name to the list of signatories.

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As Asian American Christians, Asians of diverse nationalities and creeds, and allies from various ethnic and religious backgrounds, we condemn the Sinophobia demonstrated by Christian politicians and enabled by their churches today. Despite the substantially documented link between anti-Chinese politics and anti-Asian hate crimes, the senators and congressmen named here continue to promote legislation and language that endangers our safety. Worse, they use a nationalistic version of the Christian faith to launder their disregard for Asian lives.

While combatting Sinophobia may involve more than opposing the religiosity that presently sanctifies it, it cannot involve less than that. We Asian followers of Christ, whose most sacred beliefs have been weaponized against us and our non-Christian loved ones, especially affirm this. As such, we cannot wait for politicians and their associated churches to address racism on their own private timetable. The stakes are too high.

We demand that the named politicians publicly repent and take steps to remedy the harm they have caused, both to Asian Americans and to the reputation of Christ's church. We also demand that the religious leaders who have chosen to ignore their congregants' bigotry, often while claiming to care about racial justice, make amends for damaging the church's witness. Finally, we call for solidarity from members of these churches in the event that their leaders do not take sufficient action.

We demand transformation because we love both those with power and those without it.
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