SFU DNA Member Verification Survey
Thanks for your interest in joining the SFU Disability and Neurodiversity Alliance! Please read through and fill out this member verification survey to join our constituency group!

The SFU Disability and Neurodiversity Alliance (SFU DNA) is a student-led network of community members who identify as disabled, autistic, neurodivergent, Deaf, Mad and/or as having a disability, chronic illness, long-term condition, or mental illness. We work together to create campus change, address ableism, and promote disability justice while opposing oppression in all forms. Accessibility is an important issue within our membership and we are committed to addressing this within the educational setting and beyond. As a constituency group under the Simon Fraser Student Society, we serve as the official voice for disabled and neurodivergent undergraduates.

Some member definitions:
- Simon Fraser Student Society members: SFU or FIC undergrads who are enrolled in courses or co-op and have paid SFSS fees.
- DNA Constituents: All SFSS members registered with the Centre for Accessible Learning and/or who self-identify as disabled, autistic, neurodivergent, Deaf, Mad or having a disability, chronic illness, long-term condition, or mental illness.
- Full DNA members: Constituents who agree to and act according to our guidelines.
- Associate DNA members: Non-full SFSS members who agree to and act according to our guidelines.

READ THE COMMUNITY GUIDELINES: https://bit.ly/DNAguidelines
LARGE TEXT VERSION: https://bit.ly/DNAguidelinesL

Once you've filled out the form, please give us 1-2 weeks to approve your membership and send the link to the Discord. We promise we're working on it!

Join the mailing list for meeting notifications, action alerts, and updates: https://bit.ly/SFUDNAlist
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @sfudna
LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/SFUDNA
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Full name *
First name you go by *
Pronouns (e.g. she/her, they/them, he/him, ze/zir, no pronouns)
(Optional) Discord ID (if you want to join the SFU DNA Discord server)
SFU email (please type your SFU e-mail with your computing ID, not the one with underscores) *
Do you identify as disabled, autistic, neurodivergent, Deaf, mad, and/or having a disability, chronic illness, long-term condition, and/or mental illness? *
Are you currently an SFU undergraduate taking courses or doing co-op? *
Are you currently an SFU graduate student? *
Do you agree to our group guidelines? https://bit.ly/DNAguidelines (Large text version: https://bit.ly/DNAguidelinesL) *
(Optional) Do you have any questions or suggestions for this form?
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