富士宣言9周年プログラム / 9th Annual Fuji Declaration Program
* This page is written in Japanese and English and the content is the same in Japanese and English, so the translation is not necessary.






=== Overview ===
While the values of the Fuji Declaration, the "Sacred Spirit" and "Love," are undoubtedly essential for world peace, when we feel that our power is still not enough, what kind of power will unite people all over the world and lead us to a peaceful world? More specifically, what kind of power is needed?

Even in our daily lives, we are often swept away by information from the internet and mass media, but if we have a stronger axis and can pursue the essence, we should be able to act and think more effectively.

Until now, society has often tried to move forward by placing its axis on one side or the other, such as good or evil, but we may be entering an era where we can gain the immeasurable love, support, and guidance of the universe by recognizing that everything, both good and bad, can become our own strength.

In this 9th year of the Fuji Declaration, we would like to explore this power with the following two questions in mind.

=== Notes ===
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私たちが神聖なる精神を持って生きるためには、どのような力が必要だと思いますか? / Q1: What kind of power do you think is necessary for us to live giving expression to the Divine Spark?

問2:その力を養うために、あなたはどのような実践をしてきましたか?または、これからはどのような行動が必要だと思いますか? / Q2:  What kind of practices have you undertaken to nurture that power?    

お名前・ニックネーム(任意)/  Your name or nickname (optional)
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感想やご意見、コメントなどがありましたら、ご記入ください(任意)/  Please provide any thoughts, comments or suggestions (optional)
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