University/Tech school Program Committed to: (if applicable) *
Your answer
Term Entering *
Your answer
Phone number *
Your answer
Declared Major *
Your answer
My dream job out of college/technical school is ... *
Your answer
In 15 years I see myself doing... *
Your answer
A few descriptive lines about my Creative Sample (if a short film, give a single sentence Log Line , if another type of same please use a Google Workspace format. Microsoft Documents will not be opened); *
Your answer
Your Artist statement not to exceed 3 sentences. *
Your answer
Recognitions or Awards you have won with your creative work if any: Art shows, film festivals, awards at school, libraries, etc. *
Your answer
Filmmakers drop a link to your short film here (max 15 minutes) 2D artists link your PPT or Google Slides doc; writers your sample. YouTube and Vimeo for films, Google Formats ONLY everything else. MS will not be opened. *
Your answer
How did growing up in Volusia, or attending Volusia Schools, positively impact you ? *
Your answer
Share with us a few lines about how you came to pursue this passion. *
Your answer
By submitting this confidential application you agree to: (check the box to agree ) *
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