BVCA Basketball 2023-24 Player Registration
Please fill out a form for each player you would like to register for the 2023-24 basketball season.  A copy of your responses will be emailed to you.  Please read the NCHC eligibility rules to make sure your player is eligible to play.
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Parent last name *
Parent first name *
Parent phone number *
Parent email address *
Player's last name *
Player's first name *
Player's gender *
Player's age as of September 1, 2023
Player's date of birth *
Player's grade level for the 2023-24 school year *
Number of years the player has played in an organized basketball program.  i.e. Central Sports, Boys & Girls Club, City of CS, or other organizations
Does the player have any allergies or medical conditions that we need to know about? *
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