St Louis Game Dev RoundUp - Developer Profile Submission
The St Louis Game Developer RoundUp ( is adding a permanent directory of developers in and/or related to the St Louis Area that are making games! Individuals, groups, and companies are all welcome to submit this form to be included in the directory - as well as anyone even remotely related to game development (solo-devs, programmers, artists, musicians, podcasters, let's players, etc).

If you are a developer, please also consider filling out our Project Showcase Submission form.

If you need to change or remove your submission, please contact
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What is your name?
You may use your full or partial name, online moniker, company name, or a combination of any of the above.

We will use whatever you provide exactly to list you in the directory.
What are you? *
This will allow us to sort and filter entries.
Where can people find you? *
Please provide a main link to your website, profile, or projects.
Brief Description of Yourself/Organization
We can show a short message about you. PLEASE keep it brief - and include any important details (looking for work, open to collaboration, etc)
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