Shotwick Lake Feedback
Google에 로그인하여 진행상황을 저장하세요. 자세히 알아보기
Name (optional)
Overall, how would you rate your experiences with the club *
What activities to you take part in at the club? *
What do you think the club does well? *
What do you think the club could improve? *
Would you like to see more social events organised by the club? *
If yes, what kind of events would you like to see?
Would you be interested in helping organise social events? *
Would you be interested in helping with other tasks and activities on occasion?
Would you be interested in or consider joining the committee in future years? (this is not a commitment to doing so) *
We would like to use local companies for our prizes at the end of the season, do you know of any which may be suitable, if yes, what/who are they?
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