Handle With Care
At Ottumwa Schools, our deep love and concern for our students and their families is steadfast. We understand that life can present challenging situations for families, and these difficulties may sometimes affect your student's emotional well-being. Whether it's a fire, a traumatic event, a police call, a loss, or any other distressing circumstance, we want you to know that we are here to provide the support your student needs.
If your family is going through a tough time, you don't need to divulge the details of the situation. You can simply reach out to us by filling out this form, email (megan.logan@ottumwaschools.com) or a phone call. By doing so, you enable us to provide even more attention, love, and care to your student during their time at school. Our top priority is to create a safe and nurturing environment where every student feels heard, cherished, and embraced. We are here for you and your family, and we are truly grateful for the trust you place in us by entrusting your student(s) to our care.
To streamline our efforts, Megan Logan At-Risk, Family Services Coordinator serves as Ottumwa Schools' dedicated point of contact for the Handle with Care program. Megan will discreetly communicate your student's name along with a simple "handle with care" notification to the relevant staff members, ensuring that your student receives the additional support they may need. We appreciate your collaboration with us in supporting our students, as a united approach strengthens their resilience and well-being. Thank you for being part of our school community.
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I would like to be contacted in regards to additional services for my student.
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