Washington Speech & Debate Interest Form 2023-24
Thank you for showing interest in joining Washington Speech & Debate. 

WSD aims to teach debating and speaking skills to our members and prepare them to represent Washington High School in speech and debate tournaments across the school year. We are one of the largest clubs at Washington (60+ members) and have served Washington students for over 10 years! Alumni of our club have gone on to attend prestigious universities such as Stanford, UC Berkeley, UCLA, Oxford, and more. Our club is student-led and advised by Mr. Raskin.

Visit us online at washingtondebate.club
Follow us on Instagram: @huskyspeechanddebate
Join our Facebook group: Washington Speech and Debate
Contact us at washingtondebate.club@gmail.com

Please provide your personal email for the first question, NOT your fusdk12.net school email. Gmail is preferred. Later on in the form, you will be asked to provide your SCHOOL email account as well. Thank you so much!
Email *
Name (First & Last) *
Grade *
Parent/Guardian Email Address *
Please provide only ONE email address of either of your parent/guardian:
Your SCHOOL (@fusdk12.net) Email Address *
This is different from your personal email. It is your school email that ends in @fusdk12.net
Phone Number *
Please provide us your personal phone number. If you do not have one, please provide one of your parent/guardians' phone numbers and indicate that by putting "P" at the end of the number
OPTIONAL  - Questions/Comments/Concerns (leave this field BLANK if you do not have any)
Leave this field BLANK if you do not have any questions/comments/concerns. Don't put "N/A" or anything like that, just leave it blank. Thanks.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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