2020 Cash for College Workshop Pre-Registration Form
High School Seniors & Families! Submit your FAFSA or CA Dream Act application (CADAA) to see if you are eligible for different types of financial aid! The priority deadline is March 2, 2021!!!

Attend a FREE Cash for College Workshop to receive assistance with your FAFSA or CA Dream Act application! Financial aid experts will review the most common errors and issues that occur when completing your financial aid application.  Assistance in Spanish and Vietnamese may be available. Please select your preferred workshop date from the list below.

***After you submit your pre-registration, you will receive a confirmation email with the assigned workshop time and Zoom link prior to the workshop at least 1 day in advance.***

If you have any questions or concerns, contact your high school counselor.

This workshop is brought to you by the San José Cal-SOAP Consortium and College Success Collaborative
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Email *
Student email address *
Student First Name *
Student Last Name *
Student Mobile Phone (if available) *Text reminder may be sent
Which high school do you attend? *
If you are completing the FAFSA, have you created your FSA ID (student)? *
If you are completing the FAFSA, has one of your parent's created their FSA ID? *
Have you already started your FAFSA or CA Dream Act application? *
If you have started your application but have not yet completed it, please tell us which section you stopped at.
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Assistance in other languages may be available during the Cash for College workshop. Please indicate which language you and your parents would like to receive help in. *
Please select your preferred workshop date. All workshops will take place between 4:00 - 7:00 pm. We strongly encourage a parent or guardian attend. Once you have registered, workshop details including the specific time, language and Zoom link, will be provided at least 1-day in advance. *
How did you hear about this event? *
Prepare for your Cash for College Workshop by Following these 3-steps!
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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