IUSY Queer working group 2020
25-27 May, 2020
Deadline for registration is 22 May, 2020
Via Zoom platform (time will be communicated in advance)
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All the data we are collecting at our registration forms are only going to be used to assist your participation in the activity. Data we are collecting at our registration forms will be deleted after one year. I agree with this terms: *
Family Name (as in passport) *
First Name (as in passport) *
Country *
Time zone *
With which pronouns do you identify yourself *
Date of Birth *
Organisation *
Role in the organisation *
Do you identify yourself as a Queer activist? *
Are you entitled to represent your organisation at IUSY's activities? *
Telephone *
E-mail *
What are your expectations from the Working group meeting?
Why are you interested in attending the working group meeting?
How do you see yourself being involved in potential follow up activities during the year?
The online meeting might be recording for transcript purposes. Depending on the specifics of the programme some parts might be opening up the content to a wider audience. Please indicate if you agree with this terms: *
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