第三場-第四屆「香港遊戲優化和推廣計劃」簡介會 “4th Hong Kong Game Enhancement and Promotion Scheme” Project Briefing 

日期: 2月16日
Date: 16 Feb 2024 (Online)

時間: 16:00-17:30(線上)
Time: 16:00 - 17:30(Online)

形式: ZOOM
Format: ZOOM

有關更多計劃詳情及時間表請瀏覽計劃網站 http://geps.hk/
For more information, please visit http://geps.hk/

第四屆支援計劃參選資格 Eligibility:
• 截至截止申請日期計(2024年3月1日),成立不多於8年之香港註冊遊戲初創公司。
The game start-up must have been registered in Hong Kong in not more than 8 years ago on the date of application deadline (31 Mar 2024). 
• 公司規模為少於20名全職員工。
The company must have less than 20 full-time employees.
• 公司需要準備旗下一款擁有 90%完成度,以及可於入選計劃後推出市場之新遊戲,並可於推出市場前作修改,以提升遊戲質量和盈利潛力之新遊戲;
The applicant should have developed a new game and the dedicated game should be 90% completed OR
 今屆新增優化資格:參選遊戲在計劃截止申請日期前的9個月內 (即2023年5月31日至2024年2月29日) 已進行收費測試 (Pilot Testing Stage) 詳情可參考計劃網站
(Newly added eligibility) games that have conducted the Pilot Testing Stage* within 9 months prior to the program's application deadline (from May 31, 2023, to February 29, 2024) are also eligible to participate (Please refer to project website for details)
• 參加公司需要以新遊戲報名參加本計劃,並需要於報名表中作出聲明,該新遊戲從未於任何市場作商業發佈。The participating company must apply the Scheme with a new game and declare in the application form that the game has not been released commercially in any market before. 
• 如符合上述資格,往屆參加企業可以參加,唯合資格企業獲選次數,不會多於三次。
Participants from the previous editions who meet the above listed eligibility are welcome to apply (each eligible company could join the program for maximum 3 times only)

If you are interested in the project briefing, please fill in the form below.

Disclaimer: The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region provides funding support to the project only, and does not otherwise take part in the project. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in these materials/events (or by members of the project team) are those of the project organizers only and do not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau, Create Hong Kong, the CreateSmart Initiative Secretariat or the CreateSmart Initiative Vetting Committee.

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