BPYO Teacher Training Application: 2022
Application for Winter 2022 Baptiste Power Yoga Oxford Teacher Training in Oxford, Mississippi
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First & Last Name *
Preferred first name (if different than legal name)
Phone Number *
Birthdate *
Email Address *
Address *
Your shirt or tank size *
Do you currently practice yoga? Where? How long? *
Education *
Current Occupation *
What are your expectations of this training? What excites you the most about this training? *
What is your intention for taking this training? *
Please list any previous yoga workshops, teacher trainings, or retreats you have attended. *
Would you like to become a yoga teacher? If yes, please explain why. *
Please list any non-yoga personal growth, transformational based courses, workshops, or retreats you have completed. *
Please list any medications you are currently taking or have taken in the last year, that have been prescribed to you by a medical doctor. *
During the last two years, have you been under the care of a physician, or mental health professional? (psychiatrist, therapist, or other health care professional) If yes, please explain. *
I acknowledge that I have answered the above questions honestly and completely. I understand that I may be contacted for a phone interview for clarity, concerning this application. I understand that by filling out this application, I am not guaranteed acceptance into BPYN’s Teacher Training.   *
I understand that once I am accepted into this teacher training, 100% attendance is required. I understand that if I miss any training sessions, I will contact the directors of teacher training immediately to schedule make-up sessions. I understand that if I miss any training sessions without contacting the directors, I will not receive a refund or certification. I have read and understand the BPYN Teacher Training attendance policy. *
I have reviewed the dates and commit to attending all of the training weekends. *
I understand at the time of acceptance a $300 non-refundable deposit is due. Your tuition includes unlimited yoga at BPYO during the training. Tuition does not include any required reading materials. Full Tuition is due January 13, 2022. *
Early Bird Pricing before December 15: $2750  Regular pricing: $3250  Payment plans are available. Please contact us at empowerschoolofyoga@ gmail.com
Would you like to talk with someone about setting up a payment plan?
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