Body Goals Q&A Form

This Q&A is a get-real moment with yourself. It pushes you to dial into your bigger health dreams. 

Right now, your current health quality sets a baseline metric for you, and that is the starting point from where you grow into your future.

I imagine you're here because you want to make lasting change in your body, mind and spirit.

You're looking for new inner AND outer markers of health in the function of your vital organs, mind, emotions and integrated body systems.

You want to feel vital and to live in alignment... day after day, year after year. 
You want to show up for yourself and the ones you love. It's such a good feeling!

For now, enjoy a deep breath. It takes just a few minutes to complete this form.
Then we have more time to dive into your goals and needs when we meet.

Want to skip this Q&A? Click HERE to schedule a Private call with me.

Yours in health,

Ally Watters Morrison

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What's your preferred name both first/last?
1. What are you hoping I can help you with regarding your health? 
Or, what are your current health or body challenges?
2. What is deeply important to you about this particular challenge(s)? 
What does it represent to you?
3. What will happen in 3-6 months (or 5 years) if you don't get the help required to get to the other side of this personal health challenge?
4. What is your current energy level daily on a scale of 1-10 (lowest to highest)?
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5. What are your current daily aches and pains levels on a scale of 1-10 (lowest to highest)?
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6. What is your current sleep quality each night on a scale of 1-10 (poor to best)?
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7. How would you FEEL if your health challenge was resolved, and you are on a path to recalibration?
8. What have you tried already that has NOT worked?
9. What have you found that HAS actually worked for you?
10. What would be your 1st choice of someone to work with on this challenge... ex. doctor, holistic practitioner, health coach, yoga therapist, etc.
My commitment to you is that if/when we work together that I listen to you deeply, I embody the habits I'm sharing, and offer you small action steps to reach your goals. Would you like to hear how I can help you?
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