Version française du formulaire ici : https://goo.gl/forms/6eMjD8mzQEOqnCF73

TagFlow improves your classification and simplifies the search for your files using an intelligent system with tags.

- Your files are automatically sorted in the light of their content and characteristics.
- With intelligent autocompletion, you can find your documents with one or two keywords.
- Your files stays on your computer and are not moved to the cloud unless you define it.

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Why is the TagFlow software interesting for you?
In what context do you plan to use TagFlow?
Detail more precisely the use you are considering for TagFlow and the advantages / disadvantages you find in this solution
Which platforms would you like to use TagFlow?
What types of files would you be interested in classifying with TagFlow?
Does the fact that you have to use an application to access your files bother you?
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Currently, how do you sort your files?
Which of these features do you find most interesting for your use?
Your email address (optional)
If you are a beta tester, please enter the email address associated with your TagFlow account
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