Skykomish Field Station Registration
Please fill out this form to attend Bio-Cultural Restoration Field Stations on the Skykomish River. If you are not yet ready to register for a camp then read our general invitation here

Our next weekend field station is August 9-11!

Participants arrive Friday afternoon and leave either Sunday evening or Monday morning. Please review information about the Skykomish Field Station, including information about the site and our current Guild Handbook.

Based on this registration we will send you a Google calendar event with links to more background materials. Please affirm that calendar invitation to hold your spot. If you've never been to a field station we'll also suggest an orientation call so you know what to expect, and get any questions answered.

Once you are registered we are counting on your attendance. Please do not cancel later than the Sunday before the event. We don't charge fees for participation, and rely on your conscientiousness as a guest.

If you are coming with a group make sure each member of your group signs up here. When showing up on site for the first time you need to complete a special volunteer application with the Snohomish Conservation District (our current institutional sponsor).

See you around the fire,
Paul Cereghino, Skykomish Site Steward
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Email *
Your full name *
Mobile phone number *
Age *
Have you attended a field station before? *
How are you getting to the river? *
Where would you prefer to sleep? *
Select the weekend field station(s) you will attend. *
How did you hear about The Guild? *
If you are new, tell us a little about yourself, and what you are most interested in contributing to and gaining from The Guild? *
Would you like us to be aware of or try to accommodate any medical conditions or other specific needs? This includes accommodating a pet joining the field station. *
End of Registration
We offer these learning opportunities free of charge to build a community of practice. After registering through this form you will receive an invitation to a google calendar event, and some emails providing more information. As we are a volunteer-run effort, these may not happen promptly, so please hold these dates on your own calendar.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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