Lethal-Extended Application
Please take the time to read the description:

Lethal-Extended is quickly growing and so are issues and needed support.

Community moderators would be required to do the following things:
  • Help with Mod pack issues
  • Moderate the community
You can absolutely have fun with it too! Moderators are more than welcome to coordinate events and do public games with the community!
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Email *
Name *
First and last name
Country of Residence *
Discord Username (Ex: Name#1234) *
How much experience do you have with our Mod pack? *
This will NOT affect your chances
Do you have a working microphone for participating in meetings? *
What position would you like to take on? *
List any languages you are fluent in *
Tell us about yourself *
Why do you want to work with us? *
By checking this box you acknowledge that all information in this form is accurate and truthful *
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