Painting Asphalt Mural Interest Form
This form is for artists and volunteers who are interested in assisting with the installation and painting of the Chestnut street asphalt and crosswalk mural in Dover, NJ. Volunteers MUST have some prior experience with painting and be over the age of 16. 

The Town of Dover and Levitate Creative Services were each awarded one of 32 Grants for 2023 by Morris Arts org to launch a public art initiative in Morris County.  Dover, Levitate and Morris Arts are excited to announce the plan to install the first piece of public art in Dover NJ, a 5,000 square foot asphalt and crosswalk mural on Chestnut st. this August 2023!! 

We are looking for the following:
1.  1 Professional lead artist to complete interior of Crosswalk (Expert level 10+ years experience) (Paid)
2. 4 Assisting artists (Advanced level 5+ years experience) (Stipend Amount TBD)
3. 4 Assisting artists (Intermediate level 2+ years experience) (Stipend Amount TBD)
4. 4 Student/Youth artists (16+ with enthusiasm and love for the arts)
5. (TBD) Volunteers - Let us know if you are interested in helping !

Please see tentative schedule for mural painting:

Friday July 12th (extended)- Deadline to Apply

Wednesday July 14th (extended) - Notification Date! Applicants will be notified if they have been chosen to participate!

Tuesday July 25th - 8pm - Zoom Call for participants and volunteers (link will be sent later)

Thursday August 10th - 8pm - (2 weeks out until painting) Zoom Call for participants and volunteers (Weather review and final call on painting day and times will be decided and communicated)

Thursday August 24th - 3:00pm - 10pm (Dusk 8:14pm, 7 hours)* Includes prep, painting and breakdown

Friday August 25th - 2:00pm - 10pm (Dusk 8:14pm, 8 hours)*  Includes prep, painting and breakdown

Saturday August 26th 8am - 11am (3 hours) Finish painting, touch ups

12pm - Event Start Time - Kick off of Viva, Amar, y Pintar!  Art Festival Dover, NJ & Unveiling of murals!

*All materials & supplies will be provided, please wear comfortable clothing. There will be tents for shade, a hydration station and please note we will take breaks for snacks and dinner.

MANDATORY: Artists and volunteers must make every effort possible to attend at least 1 zoom informational call and all three days of painting. Please notify us asap if circumstances change so we can find a replacement.

Narrative description of proposed art:
The design concept that has been approved for this mural is abstract with a plethora of full, vibrant colors. The approved color palette was inspired by the cultural roots of the community. The colors for each section of the mural will be assigned to that area so that the design looks cohesive and aesthetically pleasing from an aerial (bird's eye) view but each section will be unique in character. (Design will be shared with selected team)

Mural Design Considerations:
Avoid the use of clearly written messages, logos, advertisements
All existing street markings must remain fully visible
Avoid shapes that might be confused with existing traffic control devices or pavement markings

Installation approach:

The crosswalk and asphalt surfaces will be swept prior to starting mural painting.Traffic cones, barricades, caution tape, 2-3 police to manage traffic will be in place before any painting begins. The designated mural areas will be primed. An outline of the mural will be sketched, lead by the expert artists. The asphalt will then be covered in color according to the proposed\approved color palate using rollers and outdoor exterior house paint with help from volunteers. Two to three coats of paint may be needed because asphalt soaks up paint.The final step will be detailing and outlining using aerosol spray paint which will be applied by the professional artists. A top coat will be applied.

Team\Mentorship approach:
The 16 person team will be divided into smaller sub teams of 3 - 4 people. Groups will be assigned specific areas of the mural to work on. The youth artists will be given step by step instruction to enhance and strengthen their skills. Several of the advanced artists may be "floaters" and help where ever help is needed.

Any questions or inquiries related to the project should be directed to the project lead: Liz Smith,
Lead Contact for the Town of Dover: Yahayra Mejorada 

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Chestnut Street (please note scope of project may change slightly)
Name *
Address (City & State) *
Phone *
Email *
Student \ Youth \ Volunteer Age
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Emergency Contact Full Name, & Relation *
Emergency Contact Phone *
How do you identify? (female\Male\Transgender, non-binary or gender non-conforming)

Please list any languages you speak
Do you have any allergies? If yes, please list below

Do you have any dietary requirements (vegetarian, vegan, no pork, gluten free, etc)? If yes, please describe below.
Are you currently taking any medications that Levitate staff should be aware of? If yes, please list the medications below.
Do you have any health issues, injuries, disabilities or behavioral issues that may impact your participation in the program (asthma, vertigo, ADHD, etc.)? If yes, please provide details below.
How long have you been an artist? What type of artist are you? *
In order for you to participate, you MUST also complete the waivers below. Please click the links to complete each one and check off the box indicating that they are complete.  
Click here to complete Levitate WAIVER
Click here to complete Town of Dover Waiver
How long have you been at artist?
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What is your T-shirt Size in mens or Unisex ? 
(XL, L, M, S, XS)

Photo Release Form for Adults

 I hereby grant permission to Levitate Creative Services, LLC and the Town of Dover, its employees, agents, and representatives to use photographs or videos of myself for the purpose of social media and marketing activities. This permission includes, but is not limited to, the use of these visual materials on websites, social media platforms, printed materials, newsletters, and other promotional materials.

I understand and agree to the following terms and conditions:

Consent: I consent to the use of my likeness, including photographs and videos, by [Your Organization's Name] for social media and marketing purposes.

Release: I release Levitate Creative Services, LLC and the Town of Dover its employees, agents, and representatives from any liability or claims that may arise from the use of the photographs or videos, including any claims for defamation, invasion of privacy, or copyright infringement.

Rights: I understand that Levitate Creative Services, LLC and the Town of Dover will own the rights to the photographs and videos and may use, reproduce, distribute, and display them without further compensation or notification.

 Identification: I grant permission for my full name to be used in conjunction with the photographs or videos, if necessary for identification purposes.

 Duration: This permission and release shall remain in effect unless and until I revoke it in writing. However, I understand that Levitate Creative Services, LLC and the Town of Dover may continue to use photographs or videos that were taken prior to the revocation, as long as they were used in accordance with this release.

 Compensation: I understand that I will not receive any financial compensation for the use of my photographs or videos.

Revocation: I reserve the right to revoke this permission and release at any time by providing written notice to Levitate Creative Services, LLC and the Town of Dover

Use this space to share any other info relevant to your participation in this project.
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