If you are reading this, The Pack Youth has the honor of having your students join us for our Impact Mentoring & Character Guidance Program at their school or digitally. Perhaps you may find yourself wondering exactly what that means? We’re so glad you asked!


Impact aims to equip students with character, emotional/mental, and practical life skills to face everyday life through BUILDING great character, FORMING healthy standards, and SERVING their community & families (we desire to serve the whole family). What we offer has been proven to positively impact students' motivation, academic performance, leadership, self-esteem, self-control, and relationship engagement. Through this program, we will additionally focus on each student's emotional, mental, and overall well-being.

We will be meeting with your student once a week to have open conversations about morals, integrity, and what it looks like to be a healthy, contributing member of society. Of course, we will throw some fun activities and occasional giveaways in there as well. It will be our absolute joy to not only spend time with each student but also to watch the positive impact that it will have on them.

Additionally, we have quarterly gatherings and connect points outside of Impact as well. Feel free to contact us by email for the list of these for this year.

Thank you so much for allowing your student and family to be a part of The Pack Youth Inc. We believe in what we do, but more importantly, we believe in all of our students. If you have any further questions or would like any further information, please do not hesitate to email

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Email *
How did you hear about us?  *
I am the parent or guardian of this student *
Todays Date: *
Students Full Name (First, Last):  *
Students Ethnicity: *
Students sex at Birth:
Students Gender:
[Middle, High, Young Adult] Students Phone Number (will add to group chat):
What options are you looking for, for your student/self? *
Please list any areas your student  or you are having challenges with (if any).
What school does your student (you) attend? *
Students Grade? *
1. Parent/Guardian's Full Name (First, Last): (under 18) *
1. Parent/Guardian’s Contact Number: *
2. Parent/Guardian's Full Name (First, Last): (under 18)
2. Parent/Guardian’s Contact Number:
Parent/Guardian Name: *by signing this I given my student permission to be part of The Pack Youth's Impact Character Guidance Program and I have signed the Impact Release Form (found above ^ email to By signing this form, I, as parent/guardian, permit the The Pack Youth Inc to use pictures of my child(ren) as a program participant in promotional literature, videos, and The Pack Youth website. I understand my child(ren)’s name(s) will not be published.

If signing for yourself personally (please list your name and that you are signing for yourself).
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