Tree Equity Grants for Disadvantaged Communities - Notice of Intent

To ensure an efficient and streamlined application process, we request all potential applicants submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) before the formal grant application. 

The NOI is a non-binding expression of your intent to apply and will aid us in planning for the upcoming grant review process. We understand that your project, amount requested, timeline, etc. may change as you put together your final application. There is no penalty for changing your project, but please give the most accurate information possible on this form.

The NOI serves as a brief overview of your organization's intent to apply for the grant, allowing us to better understand the scope and focus of your proposed project. 

Please submit your NOI by August 16. If you miss the August 16 deadline, please contact as soon as possible to express your intent.  

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Your Name *
Contact Email *
Name of Organization Applying for funding *
Type of Organization  *
Provide a preliminary budget estimate for the proposed project ($) *
We are asking for funding for... (Select all that apply) *
What type of Project do you intend to do with grant funds? (Select all that apply) *
Timeline - Please provide a brief tentative timeline of your project activities and milestones. 

Please note how many total months you expect for it to take to complete your project. 
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