Harbour Pointe Spring Musical Audition Form
Thank you for your interest in this years Spring Musical! Please complete the form. 

Once it is completed Mr. Hickox will send a permission form to your family via ParentSquare to sign

Make sure to remind your family to be on the look out for that. If you need/want a paper permission slip to take home, let Mr. Hickox know.
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Show Synopsis
In a magical underwater kingdom, the beautiful young mermaid, Ariel, longs to leave her ocean home — and her fins — behind and live in the world above. But first, she'll have to defy her father, King Triton, make a deal with the evil sea witch, Ursula, and convince the handsome Prince Eric that she's the girl whose enchanting voice he's been seeking.
By completing this form you are aware of and agree to the time commitment required for this musical, if you are cast. Your attendance to every rehearsal you are called is very important to the success of the Spring Musical.

The Spring Musical conflicts with WRESTLING, GIRLS BASKETBALL, and TRACK. If cast, participation in those sports will not be possible with our rehearsal schedule.

You will be grade checked and your teachers will be giving feedback about your behavior before I cast you. Any problematic behavior in class, serious discipline at school, or poor academic performance WILL impact your chances of being cast. 

Auditions: Tuesday, January 28th, 3:00-5:00pm @ Choir Room (Required)
  • Prepare up to 1 minute of a song showcasing your voice. You can use these songs (click on link) from the show OR any song from a musical. You will need to sing with the Karaoke backing, we want to hear you. 
If you choose a song from another musical you will need to send me a link to the instrumental backing and the timestamp of where you want me to start it. I will ask for this closer to auditions.
  • Prepare about a 1 minute monologue to perform at auditions from the show (click on link) OR you can prepare your own 1-min dramatic monologue from something else. Please try to have your monologue memorized the best you can. It's okay to bring a copy to auditions to read if you need.

Callbacks: Thursday, January 30th, 3:00-5:00pm @Choir Room (Schoology Invite Only)

Rehearsals will be Monday-Friday from 3:00pm-5:00pm start February 4th, with rehearsals going 6:00pm or 7:30pm during tech week and show week.
  • You are responsible for your transportation home after rehearsals (No activity buses)
  • No Rehearsals during Mid-Winter Break or Spring Break
Parent permission slips are due Friday, January 24th and are REQUIRED to audition. 
Talk to Mr. Hickox if you have questions/concerns.
To help us cast and schedule, please review the rehearsal schedule here (click on link) and let us know any conflicts that would prevent you from being present at all rehearsals and/or performance dates. *
Please check with your parents/guardians and be as specific as possible (with dates, times, frequency) 
  • PLEASE NOTE THAT OUR PERFORMANCE VENUE THIS YEAR IS NOT YET SET. So when you look at the rehearsal schedule please list any conflicts through May. If we perform in April we will NOT have performances in May, we will just be done. Email Mr. Hickox with questions if needed.
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