Fingal HomeFit Pilates 2023 Live Sessions
Jayne from Core Healthy will be teaching a 6-week online Pilates programme aimed at beginners, but all are welcome.
Pilates is a non-impact form of exercise that focuses on controlled movements to improve posture, strength and flexibility.  You do not need to have any prior experience for these classes which are suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels.

If you are interested in trying a new form of physical activity, then join Jayne from Monday 13th November at 6pm.

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The Fingal HomeFit live exercise sessions are facilitated by Fingal County Council Sports Office and delivered by suitably qualified personal trainers and exercise professionals. You partake in these sessions at your own risk. You should be in adequate physical condition and be able to participate in physical exercise. If you have been advised by your doctor not to partake in exercise you should refrain from participating in these live sessions. If you experience any persistent pain or shortness of breath while exercising stop immediately and consult your doctor. *
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