Session Change Request 2024-25
Policy from the student handbooks states "If a student wishes to attend the alternate session, a request must be submitted to the front office at least 2 SCHOOL DAYS (48 hours) before the requested date of change. If approved, an appropriate schedule will be determined for the student in the alternate session and then emailed to the student. All alternate schedules are generated in the front office. Primarily for the 7th-12th grades, students and parents should be aware that an exact mirror of the student's typical schedule is not always available. Any absences occurred in courses due to a session switch will be treated as an excused absence, according to local policy."
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What is the FIRST NAME of the student for which a request to switch sessions is being submitted?
What is the LAST NAME of the student?
In which grade is the student currently enrolled?
Are you completing this form at least TWO SCHOOL DAYS (48 hours) before the requested date of change. *
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