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NYTM Silicon Harlem PitchFest Application
We will be selecting 5 early stage tech companies to pitch their business idea in front of business moguls and investors at the NYTM and Silicon Harlem PitchFest on October 16th. Please review the requirements listed below and complete this short application to be considered- we'll let all applicants know whether they've been selected by October 13, 2015. Good luck!
-Must be less than 2-years in business
-Have a Diverse team
-Business Idea must be original!
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* Indicates required question
Company Name
Your answer
Company Website
Your answer
Company Twitter Handle
Your answer
Your Name
Your answer
Your Email Address
Your answer
My company has a woman on the founding team.
My company has a person on the founding team who is of a race/ethnic background typically underrepresented in tech.
Your Role (Founder, CEO, etc.)
Your answer
What year was your company founded?
Your answer
How many employees does your company have?
Your answer
Where is your company headquarters located?
Please list specific borough or neighborhood (i.e. Harlem, Downtown Brooklyn, Flatiron)
Your answer
Two Sentence Description of Your Company
Tell us in no more then two sentences what your company does.
Your answer
Company Funding Stage (Bootstrapping, Seed, Series A, etc.)
Your answer
Are you currently raising funds or will you be looking to raise funds within the next 6 months?
Not sure
Where have you demoed before?
Let us know where you've already demoed your company - it's ok if this would be your first public demo!
Your answer
Anything else we should know?
If there's anything else you think we should know about your application, you can tell us here.
Your answer
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