Merolini Updates
Thank you for taking the time to keep us updated on your success.

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Email *
Name *
Professional Name (if different from above)
Preferred Pronouns (Optional)
Year(s) attended Merola *
Voice Type / Pianist / Conductor / Director *
Date of Upcoming Performance / Update
Description (Include Title of piece, Location, Role(s), Name of competition, Relevant information)

Ex. "La Clemenza di Tito, Sesto, San Francisco Opera"
"The Sullivan Foundation, Gail Robinson Award"
"Don Giovanni, Assistant Director, Houston Grand Opera"
"Newly Appointed Repetitør og Assistentkormester at Den Norske Opera & Ballett"

Is this a House Debut? *
Is this a Role Debut? *
Instagram Handle
Professional Facebook Page
Are there other Merolini in the production? If yes, who?
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