Concerning white nationalism on the University of Nevada, Reno campus
October 7, 2019

Dear President Marc Johnson,
We write as faculty, staff, students, and others who are deeply concerned with the UNR administration’s responses to acts of white nationalism on campus. We are dismayed by the many white supremacist, anti-Semitic, sexist, and anti-LGBTQ messages that have been posted, painted, carved, or otherwise displayed in dorms, classrooms, campus buildings, and online. We are deeply alarmed by your administration’s inadequate response to the presence and impacts of Turning Point USA (TPUSA) on our campus, and by your failure to fully support students who organize anti-racist speech, protest, and action.
TPUSA is waging a campaign to recruit students at colleges and universities nationwide. They have significantly increased their activity over the past years and months. Despite the group’s claims to simply embrace a conservative agenda, the Southern Poverty Law Center, Anti-Defamation League, and others have identified TPUSA as linked to white nationalist organizations and figures, among them American Identity Movement, Identity Evropa, Fraternal Order of the Alt Knights, and James Allsup (1). Actions regularly undertaken by members of TPUSA include verbal intimidation, doxxing, inciting mass media spectacles, seeking to limit faculty speech, and making threats of legal action against those who criticize them (2).
Their actions, made in the name of free speech, work to silence others. TPUSA is well-funded and has worked to influence student governments nationally, as well as to diminish or eliminate barriers to hate speech. In addition to their toxic effects on campus climate, many of their actions threaten or potentially threaten the privacy and safety of students, faculty, and staff through the use of bullying and publicizing names and personal information. Members of marginalized groups––including those who are people of color; Jewish, Muslim, and other religious minorities; LGBTQ; undocumented; and others––are especially vulnerable to being targeted.
By choosing not to take a substantive stance against white nationalist tactics, the UNR administration creates a campus atmosphere that enables such tactics to continue and even flourish. This has put our campus and local community in danger from increased activity by white nationalists, whether they are affiliated with UNR or not. It further makes marginalized students, faculty, and staff unsafe, unprotected, and unwelcome at UNR.
We are especially concerned by two patterns of action at UNR: the selective application of free speech and student conduct policy; and the lack of commitment to systemic transformation of the racist, sexist, anti-Semitic, and homophobic atmosphere on campus. Examples include:
--The retraction of the Anti-Racist Student Coalition’s permission to post sandwich boards displaying, in their words, “positive messages for those who have been affected by racism.”

--The arrests of a UNR student who brought a sign reading “Abolish ICE” to the UNR stadium, and who argued with campus TPUSA members and knocked over their display table. Both arrests were carried out by the Reno Police Department with no apparent attempt to resolve conflict through campus resources, and no communication with the campus community.

--No apparent consequences for TPUSA members tearing down anti-racist artwork and signage and verbally intimidating students of color, as occurred on October 4, 2019 in The Center.

--No apparent consequences for those responsible for racist vandalism on campus, including swastikas, items with Ku Klux Klan insignia, and anti-black messages.

--No apparent consequences for those responsible for racist and anti-LGBTQ speech online, including video apparently showing UNR students burning a LGBTQ pride flag.

--Failure to monitor or otherwise counter harassment of individual faculty, including attempts to infringe faculty speech and academic freedom.
These events follow a broader pattern of protecting freedom of speech for a small group of students and non-campus organizations, at the expense of anti-racist responses. In August 2017 our campus was thrust into the national spotlight by a UNR student’s participation in the Charlottesville “Unite the Right” Rally. How is it that two years later, these issues not only persist on our campus, but their presence and impact on campus climate have intensified? On September 17, 2019, you—President Johnson—issued the statement that “This University unequivocally condemns/denounces all efforts that seek to marginalize any member of our community.” Despite these words, the UNR administration has fallen short in making a substantive commitment to ensuring and realizing its stated principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Instead, you leave marginalized students and their supporters to carry the burden for transforming campus climate, while at the same time, restricting their ability to do so. In the midst of this fall’s increase in racist, anti-Semitic, sexist, and anti-LGBTQ speech and action on campus, your administration remains complacent and thus complicit.
We call on your administration to respond decisively and assertively to the concerns we have raised here, which echo those students have raised and are raising. We stand with the student groups who have formed an anti-racist student coalition and support their demands, including that you meet with them; that you institute policy protecting anti-racist speech, and protecting students, faculty, and staff who are targeted by white nationalist tactics; and that you investigate and evaluate how current UNR policies may adversely affect or inadequately protect students, faculty, and staff who are people of color, LGBTQ, religious minorities, women, and other marginalized groups. We further demand that you pursue a systematic policy of investigating and containing the growth of white nationalism on campus. We are deeply concerned that the racist, sexist, anti-Semitic, and anti-LGBTQ rhetoric that has been continually increasing over the past two years may escalate into physical violence, including gun violence. We believe that it is crucial to prevent an established pattern of intimidation from escalating further.
To use your words following the events in Charlottesville, “peaceful assembly and exchange of ideas is part of the bedrock of any free society. We will maintain a commitment to the safe, peaceful expression and exchange of ideas on our campus” (3). We call on you to pursue and support actions that make that statement real.
1. Jennifer Hill, Associate Professor of English and Director of Gender, Race, and Identity, UNR
2. Emily Hobson, Associate Professor of History and of Gender, Race, and Identity, UNR
3. Lydia Huerta, Assistant Professor of Communication Studies and of Gender, Race, and Identity, UNR
4. Jamie Palmer, Assistant Teaching Professor in Gender, Race, and Identity, UNR
5. Jenna Hanchey, Assistant Professor of Communication Studies, UNR
6. Graham Slater, Assistant Professor of Education, UNR
7. Greta de Jong, Professor of History, UNR
8. Mikaela Rogozen-Soltar, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, UNR
9. Deborah A. Boehm, Professor of Anthropology and Gender, Race, and Identity, UNR
10. Meredith Oda, Associate Professor of History, UNR
11. Kjerstin Gruys, Assistant Professor of Sociology, UNR
12. Jennifer Willett, Assistant Professor, School of Social Work, UNR
13. Guadalupe Escobar, Assistant Professor of English and of Gender, Race, and Identity, UNR
14. Sarah Blithe, Associate Professor of Communication Studies, UNR
15. Robert Gutierrez-Perez, Assistant Professor of Communication, UNR
16. Ignacio Montoya, Assistant Professor of English, UNR
17. Patrick T. Jackson, Lecturer in Gender, Race, and Identity, UNR
18. Deborah Achtenberg, Professor of Philosophy, Faculty Associate in Gender, Race, Identity, UNR
19. Marta Elliott, Professor of Sociology, UNR
20. Daniel Ryan Morse, Fitzgerald Distinguished Professor of the Humanities and Assistant Professor of English, UNR
21. Ashley Daftary, Assistant Professor, School of Social Work, UNR
22. Jared Stanley, Assistant Professor of English, UNR
23. Clayton Peoples, Associate Professor of Sociology and Director of the School of Social Research and Justice Studies, UNR
24. Christopher M. Church, Assistant Professor of History, UNR
25. Casey Bell, Assistant Teaching Professor in English, UNR
26. Ruthie Meadows, Assistant Professor of Music, UNR
27. Debra Harry, Lecturer in Gender, Race, and Identity, UNR
28. Jenanne Ferguson, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, UNR
29. James Cherney, Associate Professor of Communication Studies, UNR
30. Aaron Hinkley, alumnus
31. Bruce Moran, Professor of History, UNR
32. Michael Klajbor, MA student in Communication Studies, UNR
33. Sarah Cowie, Associate Professor of Anthropology, UNR
34. Ned Schoolman, Associate Professor of History, UNR
35. Sarah Tinker Perrault, alumna (PhD UNR 2009), Associate Professor, UC Davis
36. Matthew Houdek, faculty, Rochester Institute of Technology
37. Dana Cloud, Lecturer, California State University
38. Roberta Chevrette, faculty, Middle Tennessee State University
39. Justin J. Rudnick, Assistant Professor, Minnesota State University, Mankato
40. Jennifer Ng, Lecturer in History, UNR
41. Inge Bruggeman, Assistant Professor of Art, UNR
42. Taylor Johnson, doctoral student, University of Utah
43. Evan Schares, faculty, Louisiana State University
44. Ben LaPoe, Assistant Professor, Ohio University
45. E Wayne Ross, Professor, University of British Columbia
46. Richard Kahn, Core Faculty in Education, Antioch University
47. Jesse Bazzul, Associate Professor, University of Regina
48. Robert P. Slater, retired educator, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
49. Clayton Pierce, Associate Professor, Western Washington University
50. Andrea L. Alden, faculty, Grand Canyon University
51. Peter R. Jensen, Assistant Professor, the University of Alabama
52. Cameron Strang, Assistant Professor of History, UNR
53. David Oh, Associate Professor, Ramapo College of New Jersey
54. Jenna Weiner, MA student in Communication Studies, UNR
55. Barbara Walker, Associate Professor of History, UNR
56. George McKinlay, faculty, Nevada Assistive Technology Resource Center, UNR
57. Christina Barr, Executive Director, Nevada Humanities
58. Sarah Keyes, Assistant Professor of History, UNR
59. Natalie M. Garnett, graduate student, UNR
60. Noah De Lissovoy, Associate Professor, University of Texas at Austin
61. Clark Watkins, UNR alumnus
62. Aaron Hill, Assistant Professor of Music, UNR
63. Matthew deTar, Assistant Professor, Ohio University
64. Jonathan W. Crocker, Alumnus, Department of English, UNR; Doctoral Student, College of Education, Texas Christian University
65. Josh Cerretti, Associate Professor, Western Washington University
66. Charles Tshimanga-Kashama, Associate Professor of History, UNR
67. Chris Earle, Assistant Professor of English, UNR
68. Jeanne Petersky, student, TMCC and UNR
69. Emily Dunning, M.M. student in Instrumental Performance, UCLA
70. Nasia Anam, Assistant Professor of English, UNR
71. Emma Heaney, Assistant Professor of English, William Paterson University
72. Alex Aviña, Associate Professor of History, Arizona State University
73. Alan Deutschman, Professor of Journalism, UNR
74. Ellen Hummel, graduate student, UNLV
75. Jen Wulff, concerned citizen, community
76. Yezenia Olivera, student, School of Social Work, UNR
77. Christopher von Nagy, Head, Shared History Program, UNR
78. Shannon Redding, student, student anti-racist coalition, UNR
79. Caitlin Earley, Assistant Professor of Art, UNR
80. Elizabeth Lenz, UNR alumna
81. Jennifer McClendon, Assistant Professor, UNR School of Social Work
82. Kris Engstrom, wife of UNR professor
83. Siobhain McGuinness, UNR alumna
84. Marin Pilloud, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, UNR
85. Bernadette Hinojos, community member
86. Stephen Pasqualina, Postdoctoral Fellow in Core Humanities, UNR
87. Erin Stiles, Associate Professor, UNR
88. Stephanie Gibson, Assistant Director, Nevada Humanities
89. Louis Magriel, UNR alumnus and community member
90. Dulce Medina, UNR student
91. Robin Doolin, UNR student
92. Chenay Arberry, UNR almuna; Media Matters for America
93. Paige Flippin, UNR student
94. Jakki Durón, UNR alumna
95. Garrett Moore, UNR student
96. Nic Ramos, Assistant Professor, History, Drexel University
97. Rebecca Mendelsohn, PhD, community
98. Jennifer Day, UNR alumna
99. Phuong Amy Tran, former UNR student, former president of Young Democratic Socialists
100. Scott Haberstroh, friend of faculty, community
101. Hannah Annastatia Gaither, UNR alumna
102. Jih-Fei Cheng, Assistant Professor, Scripps College
103. Danielle Mayabb, UNR student
104. Jesse James Ochoa, UNR alumnus
105. Marcia Gallo, Associate Professor of History, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
106. Julio Capó, Jr., Associate Professor of History & Public Humanities, Florida International University
107. Melanie Sanchez-Hernandez, student, community
108. Erica Westhoff, Assistant Teaching Professor, UNR
109. Benjamin Karl, UNR alumnus, community
110. Emily Watson, student, community
111. Mya Yazbek, Senior Biology Major, UNR
112. Duncan Boren, Student, YDS of Reno co-chair
113. Tracy Fish, Assistant Professor of Photography, UNR
114. Michelle Aucoin Wait, Graduate Teaching Assistant and Student, UNR
115. Pamela Payne, Assistant Professor of Human Development Family Science & Cooperative Extension, UNR
116. Linda Curcio, Associate Professor of History, UNR
117. Dan Heiman, Assistant Professor, University of North Texas
118. Devon Reese, Reno City Councilmember, City of Reno
119. Phoebe Wagner, Graduate Student, UNR
120. Christopher Torres, student, UNR
121. Edward Coleman, citizen, community
122. Sarah Jane Smith, Administrative Faculty, Coordinator of Research and Evaluation, Nevada Partnership for Training, School of Social Work, UNR
123. Katherine Fusco, Associate Professor of English, UNR
124. Patricia De La Hoya, student leader, UNR student
125. Francisca Smith, Co-Chair of the Young Democratic Socialists of Reno, Anti-Racist Coalition, UNR student
126. Rose Perash, Graduate Teaching Assistant and PhD Student, UNR
127. Gabriel Rojas, affiliate, USAC
128. Molly Rose Lewis, Reno resident
129. Kate Martineau, concerned citiizen, community
130. Angelese Pepper, Graduate Teaching Assistant and Student, UNR
131. Sarah Coyl, Graduate Teaching Assistant, UNR
132. Riddhi Khincha, UNR student
133. Alonso Tamayo, UNR student
134. Shaun Grekor, UNR faculty
135. Dan Royles, Assistant Professor, Florida International University
136. Laura Smith, Student in science education, UNR
137. Luke Keck, UNR graduate student
138. Baly Cooley, RN, friend of faculty, community
139. Devon Trube, BSW, alumnus, UNR 2017
140. Esmeralda Salas, UNR graduate student
141. Jerry Destine, Administrative Assistant III, School of Social Work, UNR
142. Dan Berger, Associate Professor, University of Washington Bothell
143. Alison Happel-Parkins, Associate Professor, University of Memphis
144. Eric A Howes, spouse of student, UNLV alumnus
145. Autumn Harry, graduate student, UNR
146. Shannon Dean, UNR alumna
147. Jonathan Villalobos, UNR alumnus; English Instructor, University of Texas at Arlington
148. Sayurit Medina, Nevada resident
149. Nicholas Passalacqua, faculty, Western Carolina University
150. Garrett Felber, faculty, University of Mississippi
151. Shania L Jackson, community
152. Isabelle Favre, Associate Professor of French, UNR
153. Amanda N. Williams, community
154. Katherine Sgouros, Entomologist, Audubon Nature Institute
155. Paloma Garcia Renteria, UNR alumna
156. Zack Furness, Associate Professor, Penn State University, Greater Allegheny
157. andré carrington, Associate Professor, Drexel University
158. Stacey Shinn, UNR alumna
159. David Rondel, Associate Professor, UNR
160. Rosemary Lieske, Doctoral Candidate, Vanderbilt University
161. Tara McPherson, Professor & Chair, Cinema, University of Southern California
162. Laura Martin, Executive Director, Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada
163. Megan ___, Reno Local, Black Lives Matter Reno/Sparks
164. Renata Keller, Assistant Professor of History, UNR
165. Bretton Rodriguez, Teaching Assistant Professor, UNR
166. Zachary Khan, UNR alumnus
167. Brett Betchart, UNR alumnus
168. Brett M. Van Hoesen, Associate Professor, Art History, UNR
169. Glenn Waddell, Jr., faculty, UNR
170. Salvatore Ficarrotta III, UNR student
171. Mitchell Silverman, Academic Research Librarian, Infoneed Research
172. Dana Barnett, community
172. Madeleine Poore, UNR alumna 2015, co-recipient of Thorton Peace Prize
173. Eric Lehman, PhD Student and Teaching Assistant, UNR
174. Natalie Sera, Retired High School Teacher, WCSD, UNR Alumna
175. Blu Buchanan, PhD Candidate, UC Davis
176. Sarah Johnson, MA student, Department of English, UNR
177. Tanner Sebastian, Graduate Student/Teaching Assistant, UNR
178. Isaac Sweet, Nevada resident
179. Garrett Caufield, undergraduate student, UNR
180. Margarita Salas Crespo, UNR alumna
181. Ben Albrecht, UNR student
182. Josh Gonzalez, UNR alumnus
183. Nicholas Gaudin, UNR alumnus
184. Camden Mauer, Student
185. Lizbeth Alvarez,  UNR alumnus
186. Kelby Peeler, Instructor at TMCC, UNR Alumni
187. Shyla Summers, Student
188. Colleen Baker, UNR Former Student, Community
189. Josie Corona, UNR Student
190. John McDonnell, UNR Student
191. DePaul Hendrix, UNR Alumnus
192. Kayla Pendleton, UNR Student
193. Victoria Delaney PhD, Interested Party and Community
194. Jada McAlister, Student UNR
195. Cynthia Sevilla, Concerned citizen
196. Jason Ludden, Continuing Lecturer, English Department UNR
197. Wendy Stolyarov, Activist & City Council Candidate, Sparks, NV
198. Dorota Biczel, Faculty, University of Houston
199. Ethan Pettipiece, Treasure of Young Democratic Socialists of America  UNR
200. Cole Amundson, UNR Student
201. Paul Lenart, Community friend of UNR Community
202. Allison Smithson, UNR Alumnus
203. Tyler Stewart, Secretary of Young Democratic Socialists of Reno UNR
204.William Toledo, Faculty (Assistant Professor of Elementary Social Studies Education)UNR
205. Ed Donofrio, Graduate Teaching Assistant UNR
206.Joseph D Geddes, Student UNR
207. Tamara Snight, Student UNR
208. Lindsy Judd, Washoe County resident  
209. Alison Moore, PhD Candidate UNR
210. Anne  Frook, UNR Alumnus
211. Mary Miller, Lecturer, UNR Music Department & UNR Alumnus
212. Hailey Lindsley, UNR Alumnus
213. Summer Mather, UNR Student
214. Alexandria Sacci, UNR Student
215. Arianne Manuel, UNR Student
216. Concepcion Gonzalez, UNR Alumni
217. Vivian Alvarez, UNR Student
218. Aaron Michael Singleton, UNR Student
219. Aaron Michael Singleton, UNR Student
220. Dulce Pixabaj-Perez, URN Student
221. Amber Kelly, Assistant Professor of Social Work Quinnipiac University
222. Caroline Ackerman, UNR Alumnus
223. Jean-Paul Perrotte , Assistant Professor of Music, UNR
224. Marshall Lewis Johnson, Term Lecturer, English Dept.UNR
225. Mayra Rocha, UNR Student
226. Emily Divas, UNR Student
227. Cierra Frisby, UNR Student
228. Ivy Anderson, UNR Student and Staff
229. Logan seidl, UNR LOA
230. Nora Prochaska, UNR Alumnus
231. James Alderin, UNR Student
232. Erin Aldana, Independent scholar, Community
233. Tyler Gordon, URN Student
234. Jennifer Kierulf , UNR Alumnus
235. December Cuccaro, Graduate Teaching Assistant, UNR
236. Tashina Habibian, UNR Student
237. Tatiana Rodriguez, UNR Student
238. Joanna Araujo, UNR Student
239. Madison State, UNR Student
240. Andreas Anton Senden Mechsnerm, Graduate Student UNR
241. Jordan Lambdin Student of GRI, UNR
242. Zach Schwartz-Weinstein PhD, community
243. Daniel Horner, UNR Student
244. Neena Colon, UNR Student
245. Melinda Shaffer, UNR Student
246. Ethan Ris, aculty, College of Education, UNR
247. Naseem Jamnia, Graduate Student/Graduate Teaching Assistant UNR
248. Daniel Angres, UNR Student
249. Kristen De Haan, Parent of a UNR student and teacher at Florence Drake Elementary School community
250. Rosa A. Eberly, Assoc Prof, Communication Arts and Sciences Penn State University
251. Laura Brownell, graduate student, UNR
252. Erin Higgs, UNR Undergraduate Researcher and Student
253. Chanda Prescod-Weinstein, Assistant Professor of Physics and Core Faculty in Women’s and Gender Studies University of New Hampshire
254. Haleigh Fitzgerald, UNR Graduate Student
255. Brenna Heenan, UNR Student
256. Adam Kirn, Assistant Professor of Engineering Education UNR
257. Italo O Da Silva, UNR Student
258. Maureen Leshendok, Alumna Mackay School of Mines, UNR
259. Donna Linzy Garcia, UNR Graduate Student, Graduate Teachers Assistant English Department
260. Sean McLean, UNR Alumnus
261. Irene De Haan, UNR Student
262. Michael Blane, UNR LOA instructor, Community
263. Darius Fiore, UNR Student
264. Jimmie Manning, Professor of Communication Studies, UNR
265. Gigi Fiori, Student, University of Houston
267. Richard Muema Kasyoki, Social Worker, community
268. Hannah Nelson, UNR student
269. Leonardo Salazar, student
270. Donovan Adams, Ph.D. Candidate (Anthropology), UNR
271. Steven Mattos, George Washington University, MA CRC, UNR Alumni, 2012
272. Meghan Goodrich, UNR student
273. Shannon Heenan, UNR student
274. Antonia Lujan, UNR student
275. Anthony MulHolland, UNR student
276. Adrian Lowry, Reno resident
277. Valari Esposito, UNR alumna
278. Laura LeFebvre, UNR student
277. Noah Conway, UNR student
278. Nick Mitchell, Associate Professor, Feminist Studies and Critical Race & Ethnic Studies, University of California, Santa Cruz
279. Paul White, UNR faculty
280. Diana Sharman, UNR alumna
281. Richard Davis-Best, UNR student
282. Gayle Brandeis, Visiting Faculty, UNR
283. Amy Pason, Associate Professor of Communication Studies, UNR
284. Alaura Filbin, Alumna, Liberal Arts, UNR
285. Mayra Alvarez, community
286. Evelyn Izquierdo, UNR student
287. Erika K. Minaberry, School of Social Work Alumni, UNR
288. Carrie J. Walker, Assistant Professor Central Oregon Community College, Former UNR Postdoctoral Fellow
289. Tifany Vasquez, student
290. Mikki Johnson, Administrative Assistant III, UNR
291. Jed Locquiao, PhD Candidate, UNR
292. David Campana, community citizen
293. Meridith Styer, Associate Professor of Rhetoric, Georgia College and State University
294. Isabel Carter, UNR student
295. Laura Akers, writer and educator, UNR alumna
296. Garrett J Barmore, Mackay School of Mines Endowed Curator, W. M. Keck Museum, UNR
297. Emily Taylor, Undergraduate Spanish and Speech-Language Pathology student, UNR
298.. Sarah Gartner, Concerned friend of students, community
299. Lisa Pontius, Nevada resident, parent of 2 UNR alumnae, Kent State University
300. Ana Perez-McKay, UNR student
301. Peter de Lissovoy, Faculty (Former), Harvard University Extension School
302. Cecilia Leon, UNR student
303. Emma Bailey, independent scholar, community
304. Jaime Malek, community
305. Thomas Hassen, Student, Senator for the College of Liberal Arts, UNR
306. Robert Hall, Doctoral Candidate, UNL
307. Brandon Washington, Spanish teacher, community
308. Dana Weiser, UNR alumna; Associate Professor, Texas Tech University
309.  Natalie Handler, community resident
310. Nurit Stites, M. Ed., Alumni, UNR
311. Amy Hyne-Sutherland, Affiliated Researcher, South Asia Institute, University of Texas at Austin
312. Kaylee Edwards, UNR student
313. Lee Carney, UNR student
314. Mark Salinas, UNR supporter, community
315. Luciana Gallo, Cello instructor, UNR faculty
316. Herb Samuels, Professor, CUNY/LaGuardia
317. Nicholas Shepack, MSW student, UNR
318. Erik F. Ringle, former graduate student, UNR
319. Kelly O’Donnell, PhD Student, University of Pittsburgh
320. Melissa Burnham, Professor, Human Development and Family Studies, UNR
321. Katelynn Williams, UNR student
322. Erica Bickel, UNR alumna
322. Mark Riffenburg, State Director, NextGen Nevada
323. Imane Williams, local resident, community
324. Ian Clayton, Assistant Professor of English, UNR
325. Marshall Delbecq, Former student and Brushfire Literature and Arts Journal staff member, UNR
326. Salena Carr-Piccioni, Masters social work student, UNR
327. Jenna Dewar, Director of Student Engagement and Experiential Learning, College is Education, Alumna, UNR
328. Yvonne Williams, alumna, UNR, CSUS
329. Penny James, future student, community
330. Ronald Andrew Hill, UNR student
331. Sigrid Uribe, UNR alumna
332. Dr. Tina M. Harris, Endowed Chair, Louisiana State University
333. Conner Doyle, student, ASUN Senator for the College of Liberal Arts, UNR
334. Valeria Ampié, UNR student
335. Mike Beebe, community member
336. Jennifer Kittleson, professional, community
337. Jonathan Louis, UNR alumnus
338. Benjamin Smith, UNR student
339. Ashleigh Angell, UNR alumna
340. Dillard Donger, student, community
341. Ruth Salas, UNR alumnus
342. Brian Eisley, UNR alumnus
343. Amber Johnson, faculty, Saint Louis University
344. Judi Jones, Freelance musician, community
345. Walter Brediger, Administrative Assistant III, Educational Leadership
346. Felicia Perez, Gender Race and Identity LOA faculty, UNR
347. Armani Gillum, UNR student
348. Alex Kania, community member
349. Alan-Michael Weatherford, Doctoral Candidate and Instructor, University of Washington-Seattle
350. Nic Ciccone, UNR alumnus
351. Shay Digenan, J.D. Candidate, UNLV Boyd School of Law, UNR alumna
352. Tami McAlister, parent of UNR student
353. Bonnie Ellis, UNR student
354. Joella Marshall, student, community
355. Brad Serber, Assistant Professor, Communication, University of North Dakota
356. Dominique Hall, UNR student and Senator of the Reynolds School of Journalism
357. Mariana DuBose, Social Worker II, UNR alumna
358. Jessica Elton, UNR alumna
359. Harrison Emery, UNR student
360. Kindra Fox, UNR alumnus
361. Amy Savignac, UNR student
362. Katrina Marks, student, UNR School of Medicine
363. Hanna Norton, UNR student
364. Karen Goody, alumna Sonoma State University, community
365. Ashanti Yveth Cudiamat, UNR student
366. Carlyn Moran, UNR student
367. Owen Bryant, Alumni and former Graduate Teaching Assistant, English and Core Humanities departments, UNR
368. Sarah J Purdy, LOA faculty, Gender, Race, and Identity, UNR
369. Ellie Cook, UNR student and staff
370. Benny LeMaster, PhD, faculty, Arizona State University
371. Gudrun Durham, citizen, spouse to UNR faculty
372. Ethan Crisp, UNR student
373. Adriano Cabral, Assistant Professor, UNR
374. Alexander Means, Graduate Chair, University of Hawaii, Manoa
375. Aria Overli, community member
376. Angela Bennett, Assistant Professor, UNR
377. Brandon Ngu, UNR student
378. Kayla Johnson, UNR alumni
379. Zachary Rodriguez, UNR student
380. Christopher Daniels, community member
381. Patrick Bradshaw, friend of the university
382. Geneva Wolfs, UNR student
383. Nathan Tilley, UNR student
384. Sydney Kalakau, UNR student
385. Sebastian Ross, community
386. Sarah Smith, UNR student
387. Elspeth Olson, Project Archivist, UNR
388. Johannah Thatcher, UNR student
389. Kyra Vidosh, UNR undergraduate student, UNR
390. Joel Vite-Diaz, UNR student
391. Shoshana Zeldner, Program Manager, School of the Arts, UNR
392. Dana Hernandez, student and UNR alumni
393. Hannah Padua, UNR student
394. Steve Hammond, Reno resident
395. Christopher Coake, Associate Professor of English, UNR
396. Kaela Gardner, UNR student
397. James Ragsdale, MA student, UNR
398. Ben F. Atteberry, Delegate, Industrial Workers of the World
399. Laura Ashkin, concerned community member
400. Riley McKinney, student, Department of Theatre and Dance, UNR
401. Samuel Cruz, UNR alumnus
402. Clay Harrison, UNR alumnus
403. Jolene Stewart, student
404. Brett Shirey, Staff, Budgeting Assistant, UNR
405. Bailey Falk, UNR student
406. Angelo Monroy, Graduate Assistant, Jazz & Improvised Music, UNR
407. Kirk Geller, UNR student
408. Domonique Boages, UNR alumna
409. Adrianna Owens, UNR alumna
410. Anna Santoro, UNR alumna, Washoe County School District Teacher
411. Katherine LaPierre, Communication Adjunct, UNR
412. Jeffrey Brown, Former Graduate Teaching Assistant (2017-2019), UNR alumnus
413. Meredith Powers, faculty, University of North Carolina Greensboro
414. Lisa M. Corrigan, Associate Professor, University of Arkansas
415. Rilriia Kilurden, Friend of many non-traditional students, including a sorority who refused to be an officially recognized chapter because of your school's chauvinistic and draconian sexual assault policy
416. Sage Ellis, Former student and current technician in the College of Ag, Biotech, and Natural Resources, UNR
417. Bryan McCann, faculty, Louisiana State University
418. Jacquelyn Nader, UNR student
419. Bob Fulkerson, UNR alumni, Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada
420. Alberto Garcia Rodriguez, UNR alumnus
421. Melissa Taylor, community member
422. Belle Samantha Brown, student, community
423. Derek Ford, faculty, DePauw University
424. McKenzie Maddox, UNR alumni
425. David Boire, MSW student, UNR
426. Dylan Rollo, PhD Candidate, community
427. Garrett Digenan, UNR student
428. Megan Cannella, Graduate Student and Instructor, UNR
429. Nate Hodges, Assistant Teaching Professor, Dance, UNR
430. Joseph Dailey, UNR student
431. Max Felker-Kantor, faculty, Ball State University
432. Renee Santos, UNR student
433. Elayna Winter, UNR alumna
434. Amber Dawn Seifert, UNR student
435. McKayla Joaquim, student, community
436. Kate Lockwood Harris, faculty, University of Minnesota
437. Lizeth Acosta, UNR alumna
438. Coley Beaudoin, student, community
439. Lauren Hull, UNR alumna
440. Edurne Arostegui, Graduate Research Assistant, Center for Basque Studies, UNR
441. Maritsa Mora, UNR student
442. Sara Hudspeth, Accounting Technician/Staff, UNR
443. Logan Kisner, UNR student
445. Ashton Tutorow, UNR student
446. Nick Mendelsohn, UNR alumnus
447. Brandon Inabinet, Associate Professor, Furman University
448. Cassandra Bishop, UNR faculty
449. John N. Louie, Professor of Geophysics, UNR
450. Briana Ledesma, UNR student
451. Sarah Gonzalez Noveiri, PhD student, University of Denver
452. Amy J. Hunsaker, Assistant Professor, Fine & Performing Arts Librarian, UNR
453. Alissa Surges, Lecturer, UNR
454. Keegan Wells, community
455. Brian R. Hunsaker, NV National Guard, community
456. Deaira Elwell, UNR staff, Admin Assistant, Pharmacology
457. Jeffrey Hutsler, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, UNR
458. Neva J. Donovan, Staff Physician, UNR Student Health
459. Andria Edwards, UNR alumna
460. Josemanuel Cruz, Administrative Faculty, UNR alumnus
461. Roxana Lanuza Alfaro, UNR alumna
462. Jacquelyn Nader, UNR student
463. Emily Dunn, UNR student
464. Karen D'Angelo, Assistant Professor, University of Illinois at Chicago
465. JamalEdeen Barghouti, UNR alumnus
466. Cheyanne Treadway, community member
467. Patty Dickens, Retired WCSD Music Specialist, UNR
468. Brendan Capello, community member, UNR
469. Chloe Dodge, UNR student
470. Mary Oster, UNR graduate student
471. Samantha Martinez, community
472. Derek Thomas, UNR student
473. Duane Wright, graduate student, UC Davis
474. Imani Lee, UNR alumnus
475. David Ewoldsen, faculty, Michigan State University
476. Zane Taylor, International Affairs Student, ASUN Judicial Intern, UNR
477. Emily N. Beach, Former graduate student, San Diego State University
478. Geoff Smith, Faculty, Anthropology, UNR
479. Emily Rubinstein, MA Student, Graduate Research Assistant, UNR
480. Laurie Rockenbeck, UNR alumna
481. Garnet Juniper Sanford, UNR alumna
482. Liam Bean, geography student, UNR
483. Matthew Lacoff, UNR student
484. Lindsey Howell, UNR student
485. Russell Thomas, Student of American Studies and Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies, UC Davis
486. Itzel Perez, UNR student
487. Matthew Lacoff, UNR student
488. Jezra Frazee, UNR student
489. Joan Heupel, UNR alumna
490. Kyra Stull, Assistant Professor, Anthropology, UNR
491. Elizabeth Violago, UNR student
492. Clinton Toledo-Milhollin, UNR student
493. Jocelyne Perez, UNR student
494. Lynn Shapiro, Relative of UNR faculty, community
495. Tanner Brashler, UNR alumni
496. Blair Potts, UNR student
497. Samuel Wong, UC San Diego alumnus, community
498. Bryanna Flores, UNR alumni
499. Nathan Prager, UNR student
500. Gwen Bourne, UNR alumni
501. Sam Jones, UNR student
502. Jaucelyn Canfield, UNR student, math and political science major
503. Madrone Schutten, faculty, Northern Arizona University
504. Catherine Macintosh, UNR School of Social Work
505. Britt Curtis, community member
506. Megan Ligia Quiñones, student, community
507. Ashlan Gardella, UNR student
508. Natasha McGlaun, Medical Student, UNR School of Medicine
509. Ana-Luisa Ortiz-Martinez, PhD Student, Communications Studies, University of Iowa
510. Donnie Curtis, library faculty, UNR
511. Scott Hinton, faculty, UNR
512. Tania Gonzalez Contreras, UNR alumna
513. David Miller, citizen, community
514. Madeleine Williams, UNR student
515. Stephanie Zaragoza, relative of student, community
516. Lydia DeFlorio, Associate Professor of Human Development & Family Studies, UNR
517. Chuck Robinson, Lecturer in English, UNR
518. Bryan David, Graduate Student in History, UNR
519. Robert De Haan, parent of UNR student
520. Luis Garcia, student, community
521. Scot Krause, graduate student, UNR
522. Jean-Paul Torres, UNR alumnus
523. Tiffany Walker, Graduate Teaching Assistant, UNR
524. Allison Evans, faculty, UNR
525. Cynthia B. Slater, retired staff, University of North Carolina-Greensboro
526. Juan Ayala Hernandez, UNR student
527. Kj Echavez, UNR student
528. Jinan Barghouti, UNR alumnus
529. Berkley Conner, graduate student, University of Iowa
530. Dora Nguyen, UNR student
531. Nazrul Mojumder, medical student, UNR
532. Kc Meyer, UNR alumnus
533. Jane B. Abel, University of Minnesota alumnus, community
534. Rebecca L. George, Graduate Teaching Assistant, UNR
535. Jess Kitchingman, UNR alumnus
536. Mahie Kama, UNR student
537. Brandon McCasland, PhD student, University of Iowa
538. Alexis Davis-Hazell, Assistant Professor of Voice and Lyric Diction, The University of Alabama
539. Joshua Cadwell, Medical Student, Rutgers University
540. Karina Madera, TMCC student
541. Cecia Alvarado, Nevada State Director of Mi Familia Vota
542. Celeste Rodriguez, UNR alumna
543. Jessica Gallo, Assistant Professor of English Education, UNR
544. Madeleine Lohman, Graduate Student and Research Assistant, UNR
545. Katie Lese, Faculty, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
546. Samantha Roblin, UNR student
547. David Wilson, community member
548. Nicholas Zito, UNR student, tutor, and undergraduate researcher
549. Mallory Friedman, UNR student
560. RP Cromwell, PhD student, UNR
561. John Mackey Jr., UNR student
562. Kathleen J. Turner, Professor Emerita, Davidson College
563. Steven Blevins, Independent Scholar, Friend of UNR
564. Stacey Stauffer, UNR student
565. Shara Sinatra, UNR student and President of the Ceramic Society
566. Jacklyn Wolfe, UNR student
567. Kyle Schneider, UNR student
568. Daniel Sinclair, community member and member of the LGBTQ+ community
569. Danielle Mudd, UNR student
570. Laura Crosswell, Assistant Professor, Reynolds School of Journalism/School of Medicine, UNR
571. Cameron Creek, Staff member, UNR
572. Lauren Harvey, UNR student
573. Ashley Marshall, Professor of English, UNR
574. Margo Memmott, UNR alumna
575. Natalie Vu, Human rights activist and concerned community member
576. Deryan Smith, Medical Student, UNR
577. Kay Dean, concerned citizen and community member
578. Megan Bernardo, UNR student
579. Roxanne Piskel, NevadaTeach program coordinator and MFA candidate, UNR
580. Tierra Smithson, University of the Pacific student and Reno community member
581. Laleska _____, UNR alumnus
582. Blake Cash, UNR alumnus
583. Brianna Rafferty, UNR student
585. Samantha Han, educator, Reno/Sparks community member
586. Becca Krass, Friend of Faculty, community member
587. Ron Harris, University of Oregon alumnus, community member
588. Julianne Lindberg, Assistant Professor of Music, UNR
589. Karly McCutcheon, former UNR student (transferred AWAY!), community member and UNLV student
590. Evelyn Galvan, UNR student and YDSA member
591. Denise Brown, Parent of UNR student and community member
592. Elizabeth Blackard, UNR student
593. Erica Bradley, MA student, UNR
594. Alyssa Flynn, UNR student
595. Christine Wallace, Administrative Faculty and MA student, UNR
596. Blair Austin Rogers, UNR student
597. Corey Marshall Jones, UNR student
598. Julian Guy, UNR alumnus
599. Jennifer Guthrie, Associate Professor, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
600. Monica Ortega, UNR alumna
601. Kendra Bell, Faculty, UNR
602. Delaney Toddy, UNR alumnus
603. Steph O. Landeros, UNR alumnus
604. Benjamin Castro, UNR alumnus
605. L. Shay Daylami, UNR alumnus and former staff member
606. Andrea _____, UNR alumna
607. Wesley Chen, UNR student
608. Lisa Genasci, Former Administrative Faculty and community member
609. Brent Edwards, Associate Professor, University of Hawaii, Manoa
610. Jack Lu, University of Connecticut, community member
611. Tania Leal, Assistant Professor of Spanish, UNR
612. Elizabeth Westerlin, UNR student
613. Zachary Howarth, Graduate Assistant, Percussion, UNR
614. Lynn Ruby Wang, UNR alumna
615. Ziheng (Tony) Fang, former student, UNLV
616. Tabatha Walford, UNR student
617. Avory Wyatt, UNR student and President of the Native American Student Organization
618. Grace Wallace, community member
619. Danielle Fitzgerald, Organizing Director of NextGen Nevada
620. John Ostermiller, Anthropology PhD Student and Graduate TA, UNR
621. Justin Patrick, UNR student
622. Alexandrea Kilgore-Gomez, UNR student
623. Kareem Sanchez, student, UNR School of Medicine
624. Michael Tristano Jr., PhD Candidate and Fellow, Arizona State University
625. Kate____, student and community member
626. John Devaney, UNR alumnus
627. Jackson Cirillo, UNR student
628. Melanie Acevedo, UNR student
629. Kira Brin, UNR student
630. Marjorie Williams, UNR student
631. Christopher Castagnetti, UNR alumnus and Social Influencer
632. Catherine Pollard, Lecturer of Music Education, UNR
633. Naomi Zamarripa, student and community member
634. Erica Ritter, UNR student
635. Yuko Ida, student and community member
636. Berch Berberoglu, Foundation Professor of Sociology and Director of the Ozmen Institute for Global Studies, UNR
637. Nedal Rejoub, UNR student
638. Grant Barber, UNR alumnus
639. Eric P. Marks, TMCC alumnus
640. Elizabeth Koebele, Assistant Professor of Political Science, UNR
641. Callum Ingram, Assistant Professor of Political Science, UNR
642. Frank Miguelangel Martin, UNR student
643. Mackenzie Kennedy, UNR student
644. Janis Lull, Professor Emerita, University of Alaska Fairbanks
645. Margaret Karl, relative of UNR employee and community member
646. Julian Jacobs, UNR alumnus
647. Elizabeth F. Desnoyers-Colas, Associate Professor of Communication and Africana Studies, Georgia Southern University Armstrong Campus
648. Audra Grey, UNR alumna
649. Mallory Ladd, UNR alumna
650. Kristina McKeegan Nierman, UNR alumna
651. David Karl, concerned citizen and community member
652. Jessica Potts, UNR alumna
653. Arialle Crabtree, Graduate student, University of Georgia
654. Stevie Berberick, Assistant Professor, Washington and Jefferson College
655. Amanda Summers, UNR alumna and Graduate Student, Temple University
656. Michelle L. Kelsey, Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Communication, Purdue University Fort Wayne
657. Erin Fuss, UNR alumna and LOA, Reynolds School of Journalism
658. Mackenzie Baysinger, UNR alumna
659. Laura Briggs, Professor, University of Massachusetts Amherst
660. Matthew W. Baker, MFA, UNR alumnus, and Davidson Academy Instructor
661. Lorena Stookey, Instructor of English, UNR
662. Jonathan Carter, Faculty, Eastern Michigan University
663. Kristen Farris, Assistant Professor, Texas State University
664. Danielle Stern, Associate Professor, Christopher Newport University
665. Annie Gunter, UNR student
666. Dan Ruby, Emeritus Faculty, UNR
667. Melanie Bailey Mills, Distinguished Professor Emerita, Eastern Illinois University
668. Gabriel Huddleston, Assistant Professor, Texas Christian University
669. Jaquelyn Lugg, UNR alumna
670. Jordan Brower, Faculty, University of Kentucky
671. Andreas Mourelatos, student and community member
672. Nancy Downey, Instructor of Sociology, UNR
673. Wayne Basye, Registered Nurse, community member
674. Dusty Crocker, Associate Professor of Professional Design Practice, Texas Christian University
675. Emily Loker, graduate student and community member
676. Mackenzie Baysinger, UNR alumna
677. Katherine Denker, Associate Professor, Ball State University
678. David Stein, UC President's Doctoral Fellow, University of California Los Angeles
679. Erica Wirthlin, UNR alumna
680. Jennifer Sandoval, Associate Professor, University of Central Florida
681. Rebecca Davis, Associate Professor of History, University of Delaware
682. M. Francyne Huckaby, Faculty, Texas Christian University
683. Steve Kosiba, Faculty, University of Minnesota
684. Nancy Teutle, UNR alumna
685. Isaac Gerardo Contreras-Ordoñez, UNR alumnus
686. Guia Marie Del Prado, UNR alumna
687. Christa Olson, Association Professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison
688. Edmund Fong, Associate Professor & Chair, Division of Ethnic Student and Department of Political Science, University of Utah
689. Auston Anderson, UNR alumnus
690. Sue Anderson, Faculty, Texas Christian University
691. Brianna Soloski, former UNR student and Nevadan for life
692. Cherish Sullivan, UNR alumnus
693. Maureen Groach, UNR alumna
694. Grace Desilets, UNR student
695. Wendy Cheng, Associate Professor, Scripps College
696. Julia Butler, UNR student
697. Stephen Hicks, community ally
698. Mariah Worcester, community member and local business owner
699. Hannah Marcelli, TMCC student
700. Rachel Anderson, UNR alumna
701. Lin Sun, Student, University of Iowa
702. Mika Alvarez, UNR alumna
703. Danilo Thomas, Reno citizen and community member
704. Nicholas Meyer, former UNR student
705. Dennis Dworkin, Professor of History, UNR
706. Krystal Velez, community member
707. Brandon Harnish, UNR alumnus
708. Pryce Scott, UNR alumnus
709. Jacob Rozansky, UNR alumnus
710. Gabrielle Marushok, UNR student
711. Genevieve Parker, community member and Former Program Director of Reno Bike Project
712. Shevawn Von Tobel, UNR alumnus
713. Sandra L. Faulkner, Professor of Communication and Director and Graduate Coordinator Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Bowling Green State University
713. Nnedi Stephens, UNR student and community Leader
714. Kyle Goulston, UNR student
715. Ruth Sylvester, UNR student and Teaching Assistant
716. Michael P Cohen, Author at University of Nevada Press
717. Sofia Cohen, UNR student
718. Jaquelyn Anderson, UNR student
719. Leo Valdes, Graduate Student, Rutgers University
720. Magaret A Urie, Faculty Emeritus, UNR
721. Tristan Selzler, UNR Alumnus, Adjunct Faculty, Western Nevada College
722. Lauren Siao, UNR student
723. Louis Carrillo, UNR alumnus
724. Jillian Keller, Reno non-profit administrator and community member
725. Robin August Smuda, UNR student and Native American Student Organization member
726. Manda Clair Jost, Professor of Biology, Western New Mexico University
727. Emily Bertman , concerned Reno resident
728. Alexandra Nevarez, UNR student
729. Abby Bennett, UNR student
730. Angela Towne, Ph.D., Faculty in Women & Gender Studies, Texas Christian University
731. Alicia Reyes, Admin Assistant, College of Science, UNR
732. Junella Zuniga, UNR student
733. Taylor Savant, UNR student
734. Scott Marshall, UNR alumnus and UNR student parent
735. Gysela Gervais, Educator, Reno community member
736. Melony Long, Reno community member
737. Champ Quinata, Reno community member
738. Isabella DeAllah, UNR student
739. Rayna Irwin, UNR student
740. Ian Sorensen, UNR alumnus
741. Johnny Lupinacci, Associate Professor of Cultural Studies & Social Thought in Education Washington State University
742. Natalie Lemmon, UNR student
743. Andrew Patrick, UNR alumnus
744. Melissa Gilbert, Reno resident
745. Shyanti Franco, Student, Oregon State University
746. Ross Burgos, UNR alumnus
747. Brandon Dodge, UNR alumnus
748. Tyler Casey, UNR student and member of the Nevada Air National Guard
749. Ruthie  Griggs, UNR student
750. Gary L Herstein, Professor of Philosophy / Author, National Coalition of Independent Scholars
751. AG Rud, Distinguished Professor, Cultural Studies and Social Thought in Education, Washington State University
752. Sarah Robinson, UNR alumna
753. Philip Sharp, Lecturer of Communication Studies, UNR
754. Shannon L Griffin, tutor/author, National Coalition of Independent Scholars
755. Jordan Ambrose, UNR Business student
756. Lindsay A Dimitri, Research Faculty and UNR alumni
757. Laura Cirillo, Graduate Student in Anthropology, UNR
758. Sophia Nunez, UNR student
759. Michelle Colpean, Doctoral Student, University of Iowa
760. Megan Morrissey, Associate Professor, University of North Texas
761. Kirsten Casey, UNR alumnus, Ohio State University
762. Rory Dowd, UNR alumnus, BA ‘English 04, State of Nevada, DHHS
763. Häsler R. Gómez, UNR alumnus
764. Gwen dePolo, UNR alumna, graduate student, Northwestern University
765. Anita Gonzalez, parent and community member
766. Jenny Marie Forsythe, Lecturer, Western Washington University
767. Steven Robert Gerber, community, Reno's Biggest Little Sisters
768. Deana Hoover, Art Instructor, community
769. Rosemary Dixon, Former Lecturer of Gender, Race and Identity, UNR
770. Bridget Tevnan, community member
771. Elise Hernandez, UNR student
772. Karma R. Chávez, Chair and Associate Professor, University of Texas at Austin
773. Marie Marshall, Parent, business owner, and community member
774. Jessica Copeland, UNR alumni
775. Amy Sojot, PhD Candidate, University of Hawaii at Manoa
776. Kyle Horvath, community member
777. Russell Davis, community member
778. Zoe Bray, Former Faculty, UNR
779. Kathryn Joan Leslie, Doctoral Candidate, University of Colorado Boulder
780. Daniella Roberts, Graduate Student, Ohio State University
781. Nathan Grant Hanchey, Student, Grand Valley State University
782. Gianna Miller, UNR alumna and community member
783. Darius Bost, Assistant Professor of Ethnic Studies, University of Utah
784. Natalia Cecire, Senior Lecturer, University of Sussex
785. Tati Mesfin, Faculty, UNR
786. Addison Amendola, UNR student
787. Nicole Bracco, UNR student
788. Sarah Clair, UNR alumna
789. Enrique Valdivia, Library Technician and Graduate Student, UNR
790. Rachel Corbman, Visiting Assistant Professor, Wake Forest University
791. Erin O'Brien, Visiting Artist, community
792. Steven Weidman, Former UNR student, Former Secretary of the Temple Sinai Board of Trustees
793. Chris Gillette, UNR alumnus and Temporary Music Faculty
794. Thomas Chubb, UNR student
795. Tobie Barton, Reno resident and Former UNR Admin Faculty
796. Dylan Coleman, Faculty, UNR
797. Shelby Reed, UNR almuna
798. Ming Li Wu, Alumnus, Davidson Academy of Nevada
799. Hayden Takahashi, UNR alumna and Assistant Director of Student Affairs, Sierra Nevada College
800. Mary Bryant, Admin Faculty, Nevada Center for Excellence in Disabilities (NCED)
801. Nicole Hudak, Assistant Professor, Keene State College
802. Morgan Smith, UNR alumna
803. Alexander Alcantar, interested party and community member
804. Melanie Galvan, UNR student
805. Samuel D. Rocha, Assistant Professor, University of British Columbia
806. Tim Wiebe, former student and community member
807. Christa Casillas, Parent of freshman student and CSN Adjunct Instructor
808. Elizabeth Morgan, UNR student
809. Jay Arellano, UNR student
810. Kailey Barnett, UNR alumna
811. Samantha Sacks, UNR alumna
812. Tanya Castillo, UNR student
813. Karla Silva, UNR student
814. Cassidy Knight, UNR student
815. Micah Dunn, Instructor, M.M. Music, Western Nevada College
816. Kathy Hytten, Professor, University of North Carolina Greensboro
817. Brandon Levin, Assistant Professor, University of Arizona
818. Yeonhee Kim, Graduate Student, University of Hawai'i Manoa
819. Javier Hernandez, UNR student
820. Tyler Scarborough, UNR student
821. Samantha Hinton, UNR student
822. Paige dePolo, UNR alumna, University of Edinburgh
823. Heather Ann Thompson, Professor and author, University of Michigan
824. Joshua Lewis, Graduate Student and board member of a local LGBTQ non-profit, UNR
825. Raymond Smith, concerned friend and community member
826. Jourden Brown, student, affiliated with UNR College of Community Health Science
827. Amman Tewolde-Mesfin, UNR and TMCC student
828. Ben Krueger, Teaching Assistant Professor, Communication Studies, UNR
829. Jonathan Garibay, UNR student
830. Katy Orellana, student and community member
831. Melanie Newport, Assistant Professor, University of Connecticut-Hartford
832. Angela Gapuz, student, community
833. Katie Miller, Assistant Teaching Professor of English, UNR
834. Christopher Baker, local business, community
835. Jillian Tullis, Associate Professor, University of San Diego
836. Denise Davidson, UNR student
837. Kyle Johnson, UNR alumnus
838. Howard Goldbaum, Associate Professor of Journalism, UNR
839. Sean Collins, UNR alumnus
840. Nick Serra, student, attending College of Southern Nevada
841. Kelly Bruskotter, UNR alumna, community member, Washoe County School District Teacher
842. Michaela Hinds, UNR student
843. Shelby Blakey, UNR alumna
845. Jeanne Cavilia, UNR alumna
846. Jennifer Cavilia Reid, concerned citizen
847. emily reid, artist, community
848. Luka Starmer, Administrative Faculty, UNR
849. Emily Dunster, Library Staff, UNR
850. Baer Bradford, family of student, community
851. Jeongeun Rhee, Professor, Long Island University, Post
852. Dennis Green, Project Coordinator, College of Business, UNR
853. Michael P. Healy, UNR alumni
854. Kym Pram, Assistant Professor of Economics, UNR
855. Joannie Stosic, UNR alumna and parent/concerned Reno citizen
856. Breanna Denney, alumnus, community
857. Chantal Garcia, UNR student
858. Natalie Gonzalez, UNR student
859. Ozora Cheek, UNR student
860. Meg Tully, Visiting Assistant Professor, Penn State University
861. John Arango, community member
862. Katherine Steele Brokaw, Chair, Literatures and Languages, University of California Merced
863. Jordan Caroompas, UNR Music Department Graduate Student alumnus
864. Alura Franklin, TMCC student
865. Evelyn Mejia-Ronquillo, Community Member
865. Sophie Marie Selbe, UNR alumnus, Tufts University School of Medicine
866. Melissa Grilli, UNR alumnus
865. Sophie Marie Selbe, UNR alumnus, Tufts University School of Medicine
866. Melissa Grilli, UNR alumnus
867. Roxana Armenta, UNR Student
868. Luisa Alvarez Valles, Nevada State College Student
869. Mark Sexton, UNR Alumnus
870. Andrea Catacora, Archaeologist, Reno Community
871. Teresa Schultz, UNR Faculty
872. Ian McGlory, Processing Archivist UNR
873. Celia De La Hoya, UNR Parent  
874. Yu He, UNR Alumnus  
875. Samantha Summers,  UNR student
876. Sam Genis, URN Student, UNR Medical School
877. Lauren Brunson , UNR Alumni, Mount Mercy University
878.Josue, UNR Alumni, Rockefeller University
878. Kala McFadden, UNR Alumnus
879. Daniel Benitez, UNR Student
880. Diana Giron, UNR Student
881. Stephany Contreras, TMCC Student
882. Mary Martini, Library Assistant III, UNR
883. Brenda Hillman, Olivia Filippi Professor, Saint Mary's College of California
884. Sydney Tello, UNR student
885. Sandra Pena, UNR student
886. John L'Etoile, UNR student
887. Zoe Mansfield, friend of students, community
888. Haley Yamagata, student, University of Oregon
889. Darlene Haff, Faculty, NSC
890. Alison Casey, UNR student
891. Jasmine Haggerty, UNR student
892. Caitlin A. Foley, student, UNR College of Education
893. Kevin Bugna, UNR student
894. Abbey Henry, UNR alumni, community
895. Colin Willis, community citizen
896. Siona Larsen, UNR student
897. Arnez Ayers, UNR student
898. Ellie Huh, UNR/Davidson Academy Student
899. Andrea Boyles, concerned partner of UNR student
900. Cammi Carpenter, UNR Staff and alumna
901. Ariel Quinain, UNR student
902. Dalia Rodriguez, student, Nevada State College
903. Ben Miller, UNR alumnus, community
904. Will Schab, UNR student
905. Jacob Neely, UNR alumnus, faculty, St. Mary’s College of Maryland
906. Diana Meza, UNR student
907. Jillian McMullen, UNR alumni
908. Valerie Harter, parent of a student, community
907. Aisha Jawaid, UNR student
908. Leslie Chiguichon, UNR staff
909. Tyler Cravines, UNR alumnus, Department of Music
910. Tessa Lee Clawson, BFA student, UNR
911. Saunjay Meyer, UNR student
912. Ashley Melendez, Administrative Assistant, Economics, UNR Alumna
913. Reeham Mohammed, Graduate Student, UNR
914. Greg Hummel, faculty, SUNY Oneonta
915. Trystin St. Denis, UNR student
916. Dallas Sinatra. sister of student, Reno citizen  
917. Lucas Bruskotter, community
918. Mark Maynard, Community College English Professor, TMCC
919. Fiona McElhany, UNR alumna
920. Tyler-Ann Ellison, UNR student
921. Mark K. Lucas, UNR staff
922. Jonathan L Vivet, UNR alumni
923. Sarah Gebrezghi, Medical Student, UNR School of Medicine
924. Todd Ruecker, Associate Professor of English, Director of Core Writing, UNR
925. Margaret Shirley Goggin, UNR alumni (Dec. 2018), parent of current UNR student
926. Jonathan Sadowsky, Professor of History, Case Western Reserve University
927. Abigail Rosen, UNR student, Department of Theater and Dance
928. Michael Stosic, community
929. Diane Jones Pilloud, Human Resources Manager, concerned Reno resident
930. Vanessa Vancour, UNR faculty
931. Miguel Wu, UNR student
932. Merissa Lehr, UNR student
933. Shin Yamashiro, professor, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan
934. Benjamin Engel, UNR student
935. Jonathan Turcotte-Summers, student, University of British Columbia
936. Thilini Prasadika, Independent Scholar, National Coalition for Independent Scholars
937. Nicole Stevens, Graduate Student, Department of Gender and Race Studies, The University of Alabama
938. Erin Lucas, UNR student
939. Taylor Kockenmeister, UNR alumnus
940. Katherine Mauldin, UNR alumna, Sociology LOA, Physician Assistant student, UNR
941. Karen Vejar, member of the community
942. Esther Hayes, child of two UNR professors, CSU
943. Noah Andrews, UNR student
944. Juliet Lenore Branciforte, UNR student
945. Juana Reynoza-Gomez, Director of Advising, Recruitment & Retention, UNR/CABNR
946. Phillip Goodwin, Lecturer, University of Nevada, Reno
947. LeAnn Stands, UNR student
948. Micah Vallin, UNR alumnus
949. Lee-El Hon, UNR student
950. Jessica Levatter, Community Leader, Alchemist Movement LLC
951. Beatrice Fontanilla, UNR student, Lambda Phi Xi Multicultural Sorority, Inc.
952. Daniel C. V. Bethel, Faculty, CSU, Sacramento
953. Daniel Adam Little, UNR Student, ASUN
954. Elvira Diaz, Parent Activist, Community
955. Orlin Bowman, community member and concerned citizen
956. Oscar Silva, UNR Alumnus 2017
957. Trisha Benson, concerned citizen
958. Sarah Strang, UNR student
959. Abigail Gibbs, Graduate Student, Ball State University
960. Gary Milton, UNR Alumni
961. Wyatt Williams, UNR Alumni
962. Ted Koutz, former contractor, UNR
963. Mark Mendoza, UNR alumni
964. Lunette Kittrell, UNR student
965. Audrey Hansen, UNR alumni
966. Hunter F Patti, UNR Business Student
967. Emily Kray, UNR BFA Student
968. Emily Wood, Social Psychology PhD Program Alumnus
969. Samantha Yaussy, Visiting Lecturer of Anthropology UNR
970. Jenah Razon, UNR Student  
971. Jacqueline Wiebe, UNR Parent, teacher, UNR Alumnus
972. Sierra Batrin, UNR Student
973. Monica Heintzman, UNR Student
974. Scott Bates, Concerned  Reno community member
975. Katerina Rakow, Aunt of UNR student
976. Ryley Svendsen, UNR Student
977. Tiara Na'puti, Assistant Professor, University of Colorado Boulder
978. Matthew Fernbach, UNR student
979. Natalie Mazzone, UNR student
980. Inoke Hafoka, PhD Candidate, UCLA
981. Daniel Scruggs, UNR student
982. Mary Pigliacelli, Director of the Writing Center, Long Island University, Post
983. Tyler Randolph, Anthropology alumnus, community member
984. Lisa Lee, M.A., UNR alumna
985. Bailey M. Gamberg, alumna and community member
986. Hope Balibrera, UNR alumna, English Instructor of Truckee Meadows Community College and Lake Tahoe Community College
987. SeVinah Rios, UNR student
988. Cuyler Beatty, Physics Graduate Student, West Virginia University
989. Bobbie Plough, Retired Associate Professor, California State University, East Bay
990. Kendall Gerdes, Assistant Professor, Texas Tech University
991. Nada Elias-Lambert, Associate Professor of Social Work, Texas Christian University
992. Hannah Bush, PhD Candidate, University of South Florida
993. Melinda Rakow, UNR student aunt
994. Jamie Chambers, UNR Alumnus
995. Roy Schwartzman,  Professor & Dept. Head, Communication Studies Dept. & Shoah
Foundation Institute International Teaching Fellow, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
997. Mitchell Dufour, Concerned Reno resident
998. Breanna Rodman, UNR Student
999. Ikue Kina, Professor, University of the Ryukyus (Okinawa, Japan)
1000. Henry Dalton, UNR Student
1001. Falisha Purkiss, UNR Library Technician
1002. Joshua Dunlap, UNR Alumnus
1003. Jaclyn Davis, UNR Alumnus  
1004. Tashauna Stewart, UNR Alumnus
1005. Sunday Sasser-Pickard, UNR Student
1006. Chelan Williams, UNR Alumnus, School Counselor
1007. Gregory Bourassa, Assistant Professor, University of Northern Iowa
1008. Teysha Bowser, UNR Graduate student
1009. Cynthia Haven-Dingle, UNR Alumnus
1010. Jo Hsu, Assistant Professor of English University of Arkansas
1011. Stephen Zipkin, UNR Student
1012. Sarah Corado, UNR Student
1013. Roderick Hidalgo, URN Alumnus
1014. Doris Dowden, UNR Alumnus
1015. Alanalynn Berglund, UNR Alumnus
1016. Lisa Van Gelder, Parent of UNR student
1017. Destiny Poulson, UNR Student
1018. William Dalton, Parent of UNR Student
1019. Max Van Gelder, Family of UNR Student
1020. Mitchell Bautista, Community Health Worker and Health Educator, UNR Alumnus
1021. Lea Marsland, Concerned Reno Resident  
1022. Christopher Clark, Research Scientist, UNR Alumni
1023. Devon Snyder,  UNR Faculty
1024. Pardis Dabashi,  Assistant Professor of English UNR
1025. Araya Streitler, UNR Student
1026. Amanda Dillon-Breary, UNR Alumnus
1027. Heidee Pina, Friends of UNR student
1028. Zuly Terrazas, UNR Alumnus
1029. Kristi Marie Hoskins, UNR Former Student
1030. Matthew Carter, Parent of UNR Student
1031. Angelica Murillo, UNR Student
1032. Holly Carter, UNR Student
1033. Victoria Dawson, UNR Student
1034. Louis Niebur, Associate Professor, Music, UNR
1035. Jackie Chiakulas, Friend of Student
1036. PJ Wilkerson, UNR Alumnus, University of Colorado, Boulder
1037. Jessie Clark, Assistant Professor, UNR
1038. Shannan Troxel-Andreas Faculty, Communication Studies, Butte-Glenn Community College
1039. Peter Epstein, Professor of Music, UNR
1040. William Prempeh, UNR Student
1041. Allie Baracani, UNR Graduate student
1042. Marcus Webster, UNR alumnus
1043. Kyra Robins, UNR alumnus
1044. Damon Jamaal Murray II, UNR alumnus
1045. Patrick Smith, UNR Graduate Student
1046. Alison Gaulden, UNR Faculty and UNR alumnus
1047. Jade Foote, UNR alumnus
1048. Dylan Mooney, UNR former student
1049. Justin Botteri, UNR student
1050. Colleen Baker, UNR former student
1051. Tyler Lawrence, Alumni
1052. Cierra Smith, UNR student
1053. Gianna Lee, UNR student
1054. Tim Blake, UNR alumnus
1055. Rodolfo Hernandez Camcho, UNR Student
1056. Maclyn Crnkovich, UNR Student
1057. Carly Feltz, UNR Alumnus
1058. Conor McQuivey, Reno community member
1059. Liridian Gamboa Sanchez, UNR Student
1060. Cowboy Twinke, Janitor, UNR
1061. Krista Matsumura, UNR Student
1062. Ashlee Forman, Disability Rights Advocate and Bullying Prevention Specialist, UNR Alumnus
1063. Ivette Diaz , Former UNR student
1064. Jordyn Marchi, UNR Student
1065. Roxana Noguera, UNR student
1066. Kristen Stemmer, Social Work graduate student & Community Care Coordinator
1067. Holly Head Tone , UNR Student
1068. Veronica Elliott, Supporter of UNR Student
1069. Ryan Gardner, UNR Alumnus
1070. Madeline Purdue, UNR Alumna
1071. Iuri Alfenas Ramos, UNR Student
1072. Isabel Westerman, UNR student
1073. Betsy Rosas, UNR Student
1074. Lia Schraeder, UNR Sr. Instructional Designer
1075. Tanjim Saad, UNR Alumni
1076. Danilo Ampié, Parent of UNR student
1077. Abigail Leal, UNR Alumna
1078. Ava Banfer, UNR Student, ASUN Senator for the College of Engineering
1079. Adrian Mangio, UNR Medical Student
1080. Joseph Rush Staples, UNR Alumnus
1081. Diana Samuel, UNR Teacher's Assistant
1082. Michael Cavanaugh, UNR Graduate Faculty
1083. Wei Deng, UNR Student
1084. Jon Watkins, UNR Graduate Teaching Assistant
1085. Sandy Haggerty, UNR Student Parent
1086. Nestor Lopez, UNR Student
1087. Efrain C. Padilla, UNR Student
1088. Ken Nussear, UNR Alumnus
1089. Nancy Moss Ghusn, UNR alumnus, parent of student
1090. Abrahim Ahmed, UNR student
1091. Chyna Metz-Bannister, UNR Student
1092. Imam Sanousi, UNR Student
1093. Rosario Alvarado, UNR Student
1094. Aubrey V.N., Reno Community Member
1095. Brooke L, Reno Community Member
1096. Christian Madrigal, UNR Student
1097. Keaton ______, UNR Alumnus
1098. Adriana Cerda Cuevas , UNR Student
1099. Ramneek Dhami, UNR Student
1100. Aidan Sutherland, Former UNR student
1101. Alexia Szramek, UNR Student
1102. Jennifer Medina, TMCC Student
1103. Matthew Gray , UNR Student
1104. Angelica Houston, UNR Student
1105. Lauren Barton Former, UNR Student
1106. Kristina Williams, Resident Assistant and Student
1107. Pierlys Hawkins, UNR Student
1108. Matthew Foran, UNR Student
1109. Alison Casort, UNR Student
1110. Jay Babu, UNR Student
1111. Stacey Ann Miller, UNR Student - Student Employee
1112. Roberto Hernandez, UNR Student
1113. Ashlee Forman, Disability Rights Advocate, UNR Alumnus
1114. Christine Moran, Reno resident
1115. Wesley Walmsley, UNR Student
1116. Mylen Montgomery, Resident Assistant
1117. Carlos Dominguez, UNR Student
1118. Joanna Sarmiento, UNR Student
1119. Jesus Rosales, UNR Student
1120. Chayra Montoya, UNR Student
1121. Lesly Virgen-Mariscal, UNR Student
1122. Daria Badgett, UNR Alumnus
1123. Alejandra Espinoza, UNR Undergraduate Student
1124. Emily Olsen, UNR Student
1125. Daira Jaretzi Medina, UNR Reno resident
1126. Joan Atienza, UNR Student
1127. Anna Richey, UNR graduate fellow
1128. Lillian Salter, UNR  Resident Assistant
1129. Margaret Pupkiewicz, UNR Student
1130. Loren (Tony) DeFilippo, MA Student in English, and Graduate Assistant, College of Liberal Arts, UNR
1131. Amparo Delgado, UNR Student
1132. Paolo Nipay, UNR student
1133. Noemi Silva, sibling of UNR alumni, Baylor University
1134. Laila Medina, UNR student
1135. Candi Ballard, student, community
1136. Bryanna Bales, UNR alumni
1137. Rudy Leon, former UNR faculty, community
1138. Kelsey Woods, UNR alumna, LOA Department of English, UNR
1139. Mickey Nanthaseang, student, community
1140. Logan Seidl, LOA, UNR
1141. Sylvia Stephens, Student, UNR
1142. Eric Morel, UNR alumnus, English MA program (2012), University of Washington
1143. Brenda Trinh, student, UNR
1144. Samantha Sipusic, Student, UNR
1145. Sarah cooper, Student, UNR
1146. Brittney Trinh, Student, UNR
1147. Sarah Trinh, UNR student
1148. Jennifer Trinh, Reno community member
1149. Austin Lopez, Student, UNR
1150. K Joubert, Student, UNR
1151. Logan Miller, Alumnus, UNR
1152. Skylar Tomchek, Psychology and Sociology Undergraduate Student, UNR
1153. Devon Picklum, PhD student, Biology Department, UNR
1154. Wendy Ramirez, Student, UNR
1155. Langdon Hone, Student, UNR
1156. Mariah Espinal, Student, UNR
1157. Fiorella Ramirez-Guasp, Student, UNLV
1158. Wendy Ramirez, Student, UNR
1159. William Asham, Parent of student, Community
1160. Colette Bartel, Student , USC
1161. Daniel Enrique Pérez, Associate Professor and Interim Associate Dean of Diversity and Inclusion, UNR
1162. Katie Whitehorn, Student, UNR
1163. Alyssa Conner, student and staff, UNR
1164. Kenny Taboada, Alumni, University of Utah
1165. Shayla Williams, Alumni, UNLV
1166. Allen Johnson, UNR alumnus, Clinical Social Work Intern, True North Treatment Center
1167. Justin Littleford, Community Assistant, UNR
1168. Sarah Adams, Student and Resident Assistant, UNR
1169. Jillian Spach, Alumni, UNR
1170. Sierra Cox, Student, UNR
1171. Brianna Oki, Student, UNR
1172. Valarie Meister, Resident Assistant and Student, UNR
1173. Jenny Trinh, Student, UNR
1174. Patrick Flynn, Server, Community
1175. Baillie Stewart, student, UNR
1176. Matthew Egan, Honors Student, UNR
1177. Jess ___, Community member
1178. Rebecca Martusewicz, Professor Emerita, Eastern Michigan University
1179. Karla Arango, UNR student
1180. Dominic Abbott, Doctoral Student, KU Leuven, Belgium
1181. Destiny Linnell, Friend of UNR student and community member
1182. Cristina Wilson, Associate Professor, University of Connecticut
1183. Ben Yust, UNR alumnus
1184. Chloe Hearn, Alumna and community member
1185. Jeff Berryhill, Graduate Student, Rutgers University
1186. Ruby Lopez-Flores, UNR student, academic mentor, and undergraduate researcher
1187. Becca Franssen, UNR alumnus, University of Utah M.Ed. student
1188. Luke Heinrichs, UNR Resident Assistant
1189. David Anthony Durham, Assistant Professor of English, UNR
1190. Ronni Ajeto, UNR student
1191. Daxea DeWeese, UNR alumnus and Social Worker
1192. Sheila Peuchaud, Assistant Professor, Reynolds School of Journalism, UNR
1193. Cindy Opperman, UNR alumna and former employee
1194. Saira Lazaro, UNR alumna and Social Worker
1195. Susan Chandler, Associate Professor Emeritus, School of Social Work, UNR
1196. Erin O'Connor, Adjunct Faculty, University of North Texas
1197. Venice Esposia, UNR student
1198. Alexa R. Booth, UNR alumna
1199. Ryan Thompson, UNR student
1200. Sarah Robinson, Community member, UCSF Medical Center
1201. Hannah Huntley, alumna and community member
1202. Dale Ireland, Student, CUNY
1203. Brittany Lemmon, UNR alumna, UC Davis Graduate Student
1204. Miranda Dottie Olzman, Doctoral Student, University of Denver
1205. Marlaine L. Marden, UNR alumnus
1206. Raasisree Modalavalasa, UNR student
1207. Craig Weathers, PhD Candidate, University of Denver
1208. Cecilia Romero, UNR student and CABNR Senator
1209. Elisabeth Miller, Assistant Professor of English, UNR
1210. Kenneth Ronquillo, UNR Graduate Student
1211. Richard Brzezicki, Parent of UNR student alumni and community member
1212. Megan McKeon, UNR alumna
1213. Trevor Faske, PhD student in Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation Biology, UNR
1214. Laramie Connot, UNR alumnus
1215. Yoaly Velasquez, TMCC student
1216. David Feil-Seifer, Associate Professor, UNR
1217. Julian Fliegler, UNR student
1218. Kathryn Uckele, Graduate Student, UNR
1219. Sean Holcomb, M.Ed. Student, University of Utah
1220. Jason Littleford, UNR alumnus, Kent State University M.Ed. student
1221. Taylor Stephensen, Nevada native and community member, University of Utah
1222. Isabelle Kovaltchouk, UNR student
1223. Bridget Speer Loring, UNR alumna and community member
1224. Kyle Bladow, UNR alumnus
1225. Tristan Gainey, community member
1226. Carolina Barrera, UNR student
1227. Sierra Davies, Two-time UNR alumna
1228. Karsyn Wilson, UNLV alumnus
1229. Keanu Gaite, UNR student
1230. Tianna Treichelt, student, University of California, Santa Barbara
1231. Mylen Montgomery, UNR Resident Assistant
1232. Linda L. Clements, Former UNR adjunct faculty and alumnus parent, community
1233. Caitlyn Caruso, UNLV alum
1234. Mary Sweet, Undergraduate student and community member
1235. Laila Skelly, community member
1236. Michelle Mendoza-Rabiela, UNR student
1237. Stefan Harpster, UNR student
1238. Sierra Jickling, UNR student
1239. Kyle Gagnon, former student, UNLV
1240. Beatrice DeBelen, UNLV alumna
1241. Sophia Pierce, Graduate Research Assistant, UNR
1242. Marina Lowe, community member
1243. Sophie Jones, PhD Student, University of New Mexico
1244. Jacob Woods, UNR alumnus, Reynolds School of Journalism
1245. Aldo San Pedro, UNR student
1246. Ainsley Lewon, PhD Student, UNR
1247. Robert Barenblatt, UNR student
1248. Kendra Stephanski, UNR student
1249. Adalynn Colton, UNR student
1250. Jen Rogers, UNR student
1251. Graham Marshall, UNR student, Jazz and Improvisational Music
1252. Audrey Brown, parent of student, UNLV
1253. Devonnie Matthews, UNR alumna
1254. Yama Rongomas, UNR alumna and community member
1255. Barbara Kohlenberg, Faculty, UNR School of Medicine
1256. Jacob Jacoby, UNR alumnus
1257. Darby Mattinson, UNR alum and community member
1258. Gianni Giuliano, UNR alumna
1259. Brittany Bouton, community member
1260. David Lee, UNR student
1261. Rachel Mazariego, UNR alumna
1262. Shaun Burgess, UNR alumnus, community member
1263. Matthew Lewon, Postdoctoral Scholar, UNR
1264. Thomas Riecke, graduate student, UNR
1265. Jordan Knowles, Alumni, UNR
1266. Iain J. Dover, UNR alumnus, community
1267. Mikayla Kajans, Student - Neuroscience, UNR
1268. Calvin Black, Alumnus, UNR
1269. Victoria Seifer, Reno resident, community
1270. Isaiah Sisk, Student, Community
1271. Savannah Chappell, student, UNR
1272. Cheryl Maes, Alumna of UNR, currently an LOA in Sociology and GRI, UNR
1273. Alison Szarko, PhD Student, UNR
1274. Bob Cooper, parent, community
1275. Simon Pieraut, Assistant Professor, UNR
1276. Challen R. Wright, UNR Alum (class of 2018)
1277. Matt Smith, alumnus, former Graduate Student Association President, UNR
1278. Megan Pineda, student, UNR
1279. Nicholas Eng, alumni, UNR
1280. Caroline Perrino, Student, UNR
1281. Nicholas Eng, Alumnus, UNR
1282. Jacqueline Trejo, Student, UNR
1283. Paris Hunt, Alumna, UNR
1284. Gabriella Antonucci, Student, UNR
1285. Rachael Griffiths, Psychology Major and Women’s Studies Minor, UNR student
1286. Kevin Finkler, UNR Student, Student Employee at E. L. Weigand Fitness Center, ASUN Student Leader
1287. Vanessa Amaya, Alumni, Community
1288. Delevear Mack, Staff and student, UNR
1289. Matt Denney, Alumni, UNR
1290. Oscar Chavira, Graduate Student, UNR
1291. Kei Ida, citizen
1292. Jeff Hobson, friend of faculty
1293. Dominque Mack, UNLV student
1294. Jackie Kianpour, former UNR student
1295. Jose M. Piceno, UNR alumnus, Math teacher
1296. Jordan Lemus-Reyes, UNR student, Nu Alpha Kappa Fraternity Inc.
1297. Dayanah Towner, UNLV student
1298. Nicole Ross, UNLV student
1299. William Garibaldo, UNR student
1300. Carlos Ramirez-Valenzuela, UNR student
1301. Adrian Aguilera-Gil, UNR/TMCC student
1302. Fidel Gomez, UNR student
1303. Amy Bryant, UNR student
1304. Jose Villalobos, Graduate Student, UNR
1305. Holly Spahr, community member
1306. Jane Grossman, Management consultant/Partner of UNR journalism MA alumnus, community member
1307. Molly Westfall, concerned citizen and community member
1308. Avery Stanchfield, UNR alumnus
1309. Unique Hardy, UNR student
1310. Michael Hsu, Student and President of the Progressive Christians at USC, University of Southern California
1311. Adam Elgerabli, UNR student
1312. Christina Peters, Graduate Student, UNR
1313. Theresa B. Skaar, UNR student
1314. Rebecca Benson, alumna, Humber
1315. Melody Anne Stambaugh, UNR alumnus
1316. J. Saúl Juárez-Rolon, UNR student
1317. Xaria Hobson, UNLV student
1318. Kyle Crebbin, UNR student
1319. Hugh O'Connell, Assistant Professor, University of Massachusetts Boston
1320. Diane Peters, Parent of UNR Grad Student, community member
1321. Alexandra Tura, UNR alumna
1322. John Wade, Friend of student and community member
1323. susan mantle, UNR alumna and community member
1324. Keely Cobb, UNR alumnus
1325. Jason Bean, Local journalist
1326. Jeanne Harrah-Johnson, former Adjunct Faculty, UNR and TMCC
1327. Allison Prater, Alumni, UNR
1328. Erin Miller, Sibling of student, community
1329. Michael Higdon, UNR Alumni, Nevada Sagebrush Alumni Chapter
1330. Reese Kvaal, UNR student
1331. Sky J Sessions, UNR Alumna, School Counselor, Community Member
1332. Divya Tenneti, UNR student
1333. Elizabeth Phelan, Student, Washington University in St. Louis, and Reno community member
1334. Allison Harpin, Undergraduate student and community member
1335. Olivia Fox, UNR student
1336. Margarita Vargas, UNR student
1337. Kaitlin Young, UNR undergraduate and graduate alumna
1338. Kamala Harris, Presidential Candidate, community
1339. Arthur Chenin, Institutional Research Analyst, UNR
1340. Nicole Schifferdecker, Parents of student, Grand Canyon University, Reno community member
1341. Paul Sean Ward, UNA alumnus
1342. Oona Sapunor-Pfaff, UNR alumnus
1343. Betsy Dorsett, Community member
1344. Christopher Allen Thomas, relative of student, community
1345. Sandra Boxx, parent of future student, community
1346. Jillian Gilbert, UNR student
1347. Alexandra Powell, alum and community member
1348. Eloisa Burton, Present of Women into Computer Science and Engineering, UNR
1349. Jessica Schmidt-Petersen, UNR alumna
1350. Jessica Muelhberg, UNR alumna ('02, '07, '13), Associate Registrar, Stanford University
1351. Heather Lewis, UNR alumna
1352. Thomas Snider, UNR alumnus and community member
1353. Areli Alarcon, UNLV student
1354. Elizabeth Ramos, future student, Truckee Meadows Community College
1355. Joseph Thomas, UNR student
1356. Traci Fox, parent and former UNR student
1357. Jackie McKinney, family of UNR student and community member
1358. Steve Wilson, family of UNR student and community member
1359. Michelle Hassler, former UNR student, community
1360. Hannah Alterwitz, Hillel of Northern Nevada Intern and UNR student
1361. Isaiah Davenport, UNR student and ASUN College of Education Senator
1362. John Murrow, UNR alumnus
1363. Brian Ault, UNR alumnus
1364. Jessica Romich, Administrative Faculty, UNR
1365. Edith Jimenez, UNA alumna and community member
1366. Jessica Reimche, Graduate Student, UNR
1367. Kayla Duddridge, UNR student
1368. Courtney Ackerman, UNA alumna
1369. Claire Hachenberger, UNR alumna
1370. Benjamin Seabury, Family member of UNR faculty, community
1371. Leslie Anglesey, Assistant Professor, Sam Houston State University
1372. Chris Lanier, Professor, Sierra Nevada College, community
1373. Matthew Hatjakes, former UNR student and community member
1374. Aneesa Addarich, undergraduate student, Binghamton University
1375. Esmerelda Ochoa, alumna of California State University of Monterey Bay
1376. Kianna Boc, UNR student
1377. Rebecca Balcao, concerned community memeber
1378. Anastasia Rebecca Prentiss, Faculty, Holy Names University - Oakland, CA
1379. Adam Schifferdecker, brother of UNR student and community member
1380. Jeremy David Johnson, Lecturer, University of the Pacific
1381. Elliot Schifferdecker, UNR student
1382. Lesley Bos, student, GRCC
1383. Sonia Roe, Washoe County resident and community member
1384. Chantal Ebonia, student and community member
1385. Geraldine Teixeira, grandma and community member
1386. Arezo Amerzada, UNR alumna
1387. Edward Mendez, UNR alumnus in English, Doctoral Student in Visual Studies, UC Irvine
1388. Frida Urena, Resident Assistant and student, UNR
1389. Amanda Rose Pratt, UNR alumna, University of Wisconsin-Madison
1390. Dawn N. Riggs, Ph.D., Assistant Clinical Professor, UNR School of Medicine - Psychiatry
1391. Debra Crawford, parent and community member
1392. Barbara Crowley, business owner and community member
1393. Daniel Cook, Associate Professor, UNR
1394. Hanna Kaplan, UNR student
1395. Sara DePaoli, Adjunct Faculty in Community Health Science, UNR
1396. Judith Dankel, retiree and community member
1397. Hannah Boll, UNR student
1398. Teresita A. Martinez-Garcia, UNLV student
1399. Aimee Delgado, UNR student
1400. Kassidy Wrisley, UNR student
1401. Destiny Reinoehl, UNR student
1402. Kylie Flores, UNR alumna
1403. Ian M. Hartshorn, Assistant Professor of Political Science, UNR
1404. Sara Velez Mallea, Administrator/President, AAUW Reno
1405. Meagan O'Farrell, UNR alumna and community member
1406. Andrew Mendizabal, UNR alumnus, Colorado State University, MM Instrumental Conducting
1407. Kayla Snowden, UNR student
1408. Samuel Wang, UNR student
1409. Jilsmaria Tharayil UNR student
1410. Bill Evans, Professor, UNR
1411. Natassia Zander, UNR student
1412. Arno Argueta, Assistant Professor, California State University, Bakersfield
1413. Ruby Barrientos, Reno resident and community member
1414. Ruth Lynam, UNR student, College of Education
1415. Destiny Iwuajoku, UNR student
1416. Leslie Salamanca, student, University of Utah
1417. Madeleine Burke, UNR student and worker
1418. Olivia Blee, UNR student
1419. Randeep Chana, UNR student
1420. Jose Angel Segura-Rico, UNR student and VP Alpha Phi Alpha Franternity Inc., Phi Beta Chapter
1421. Tamara Lee Spira, Association Professor, Western Washington University
1422. Crystie Deuter, Graduate Teaching Assistant, UNR
1423. David Zavesky, UNR alumnus
1424. Kiley Stowell, UNR alumna
1425. Craig Gingrich-Philbrook, Professor, Southern Illinois University
1426. Kristen Hoerl, Associate Professor, University of Nebraska, Lincoln
1427. Scott McFadden, UNR alumnus, MFA in Fiction
1428. Zachary Alexander, UNR alumnus
1429. Jacey Gonzalez, UNR alumna
1430. Katica Naude, student, UBC
1431. Stephan Page, UNR alumnus
1432. Joshua Easlick, UNR student and NASO Vice President
1433. Rachel Lucas, UNR alumna
1434. Daniel Contreras, UNR alumnus and PhD student, Pacific University
1435. Kimberly Gonzalez, UNR student and City of Reno employee
1436. Breanna Calvin, UNR graduate student
1437. Tyler Chervo, UNR alumnus
1438. Lincoln Zimmerman, UNR alumnus and Engineer Intern
1439. Alan J. Lukesh, community member
1440. Sukhanjot Kaur, UNR student
1441. Janel Sinatra, concerned parent of 2 UNR alumni and 1 student, community
1442. Maribel Sanchez, Student, Wichita State University
1443. Micah Stack, Teaching Assistant Professor of English, UNR
1444. Amanda Nell Edgar, Assistant Professor, University of Memphis
1445. Nicole Allen, Assistant Professor, Utah State University
1446. Josh Miller, Assistant Professor, Texas State University
1447. Anna Tatarko, UNR student
1448. Patrick Harris, Teaching Assistant Professor, UNR
1449. Casey R. Kelly, Association Professor of Communication Studies, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
1450. Dorothy Hudig, Professor, UNR School of Medicine
1451. Aaron Byungjoo Bae, Lecturer, Arizona State University
1452. Ray Black, Assistant Professor of Ethnic Studies, Colorado State University
1453. Whitney Strub, Associate Professor, Rutgers University-Newark
1454. Maxine Chernoff, Professor of Creative Writing, SFSU
1455. Lydia Pelot-Hobbs, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, New York University
1456. Kristiana L. Báez, PhD Student, University of Iowa
1457. Eric Andrew James, Graduate Student, Northwestern University
1458. Brooke _____, UNR student
1459. Sierra Meszaros, UNR alumnus
1460. Michael R. Zierten, Administrator, Research Computing Systems, UNR College of Science
1461. Ashley Mack, Assistant Professor, Louisiana State University
1462. Janet Usinger, Associate Professor, UNR
1463. Nikki Murphy, Lecturer and PhD Student, UNR
1464. Abigail Nyberg, UNR student
1465. Christopher Herald, Professor, UNR
1466. Rosalind Bucy, Librarian, UNR Libraries
1467. Chris Wedge, UNR Alumnus and former ASUN Business Senator, community
1468. Isabelle Wilson, community member
1469. Ann Keniston, Professor of English, UNR
1470. Aspen Kidd, Student, UNR
1471. David A. Reichard, Professor, California State University Monterey Bay
1472. Brandi C. Coulston, Alumni, UNLV
1473. Buffy Martin-Tarbox, Alumni, UNR
1474. Natalia H. Molina, Undergraduate Student, UNLV
1475. Marcus Lavergne, Alumnus, Nevada
1476. Daniel Gebhardt, PT Faculty, UNR, TMCC
1477. George & Patsy Emery, concerned resident, community
1478. Maya VanZanten, UNR student
1479. Stephan Nguyen, UNR student
1480. Zoie Harmer, UNR student
1481. Matthew Montez, UNR student
1482. Bunny Mo, UNR alumnus
1483. Laura Haak, Graduate Research Assistant, UNR
1484. Caitlin Hamilton, UNR student
1485. Sara Ahmed, Independent Scholar
1486. Tami Buchan, Reno resident and parent, Community
1487. Judith Fischer, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Texas Tech University
1488. Leo Gonzalez, Library staff, UCLA
1489. Leonardo Emmanuel Rodriguez Melgarejo, student, UNR
1490. Ruth Martini, Family member of faculty, Community
1491. Jennifer Taylor, LGBTQ Ally, Community
1492. Margaret Holland, Concerned citizen, Columbia University
1493. Jamie Farley, Alumnus, UNR
1494. Grace Oboma, Attorney, Community
1495. Rebecca Nicholson, Citizen, Concerned Community Member
1496. Martha Oliver-Smith, UNR Alumna, MA in English, 1979 (Martha Morrison)
1497. Lisa Weisman-Davlantes, Lecturer, California State University
1498. Jerry DeLemos, Registered Nurse, Community
1499. Sidney Allen, Concerned citizen, Sonoma State University Alumni
1500. Vanita Harvison, Nevada Resident, Community
1501. Danni Leifer, Citizen, Community
1502. Michael Mario Albrecht, Visiting Instructor, University of South Florida
1503. Debbie Wirth, Former faculty at Community College
1504. Melinda Myrick, English instructor, Front Range Community College
1505. Marguerite Clarke, Grand- and great-grandparent, community
1506. HIllary Velasquez, UNR Staff
1507. Anne C. Cuff, Cornell University, retired social worker, NYU, MSW
1508. Dr. Nancy Porter-Steele, Psychotherapist, trainer, community
1509. Brittney Staab Paxton, UNR alumna
1510. Catherine Casteel, UNR alumna and community member
1511. Tamara Jensen, UNR almuna
1512. Thomas Fisher, Edwards College of Humanities and Fine Arts alumnus, Coastal Carolina University
1513. Zina Stavitsky, Medical Student, UNR School of Medicine
1514. Kathleen M. Grover, JD, community
1515. Elizabeth Hodgdon, Speech Language Pathologist, UNR alumna
1516. Teresa Shiflett-Lindsey, UNR alumna
1517. Sara Prewett, Assistant Research Professor, The University of Missouri
1518. Derek Decker, UNR alumnus
1519. Lucy Redoglia, South Lake Tahoe resident, community
1520. June Queen, UNR alumna and community member
1521. Megan O'Donnell, UNR LOA Faculty, community
1522. Cathy Mathias, Retired Human Resources Professional, community
1523. Judith Harway, Professor, Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design
1524. Robyn Barbon, Parent of UNR student and community member
1525. Rosemary James, high school educator and former community member
1526. Jada Barbon, UNR student
1527. Laura Cherington, homemaker, Florida
1528. Heather Leonard, student, Western Illinois University
1529. Lynne Portnoy, n/a, community
1530. Barbara P. Williams, Retired music specialist and guest lecturer, University of the Pacific
1531. Paula Krimer, Faculty, University of Georgia
1532. Danyelle C. Overbo, UNR alumna and community member
1533. William A. Barbon, parent of UNR student, community
1534. Tamara Strachman, parent of UNR student, community
1535. Jessica Dybsetter, professional educator, community
1536. Chante Owens, UNR almunus
1537. alyson butterfield, former student (stasak), alumna
1538. Catherine Lane, community member
1539. Susan Schmidt Gunn, UNR alumna, 2008
1540. Bonnie Breckenridge, UNR alumna, community
1541. Dr. Jeannine Koshear, Emerita, Fresno City College
1542. Kelly Campbell, UNR alumna
1543. Amy Bolton, n/a, community
1544. Melanie Foster, UNR alumna, community
1545. Amy Kanigher, APRN, community
1546. Dawn M. Gambone, retired History & English teacher, Konawaena High, Kealakekua, Hawaii
1547. Jen Brookover, College planner, community
1548. Megan Bood, concerned community member
1549. Janice Ferrucci, retired middle school teacher, New Haven, CT
1550. Jenna Wong Logan, retired, community
1551. Yvonne Micheli, former student, community
1552. Mary Jane O'Brien, parent and grandparent, community
1553. RCN, alumnus, San Jose State University and University of Wisconsin-Madison
1554. Nicholas Leo O'Leary, Reno resident and community member
1555. Melissa Jesnowski, UNR former student
1556. Adele Winston, teacher, community
1557. Sharon Hicks, Information Technology Professional, University of Pittsburgh
1558. Dan Cooper, Southern Illinois University alumnus, Texas resident
1559. Dina Schumer, concerned community member
1560. Esther Godfrey, Associate Professor, USC Upstate
1561. Alrica Goldstein, Editorial, Design, and Production Manager, University of Nevada Press
1562. Nicole Quintus, student, UCF
1563. Mary Beth (Lauck) Armstrong, UNR alumna, 1968, Professor Emeritus, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
1564. Carrie Howell, community member
1565. Andrea Achilli, alumna, University of Arizona
1566. Samantha Gillespie, UNR alumna, M.A. Communication Studies, Current PhD student University of Nebraska-Lincoln
1567. Deborah Bailey, retiree, community
1568. Laura Del Ross, educator, community
1569. Jacqueline Casey, Library Technician II, UNR
1570. Molly Beisler, Associate Professor, University Libraries, UNR
1571. Frank Margonis, Professor, University of Utah
1572. Phillip Lovas, UNR alumnus, Instructor, Merritt Writing Program, University of California, Merced
1573. Tanja Hayes, UNR alumna and Adjunct Faculty, UNR and TMCC
1574. Shani Calhoun, Instructor, College of Southern Nevada
1575. Connor Overstreet, UNR alumnus
1576. John Streamas, Associate Professor, Washington State University
1577. Zoe Blinn, Undergraduate Student, UNR
1578. Natasha Franzen, UNR student
1579. Nathaniel Rose, UNR student
1580. Kevin Brown, UNR student
1581. Vanessa Mendoza, UNR student
1582. Rayla Tokarz, University Libraries, UNR
1583. Katie Wolf, PhD student and TA, UNR
1584. Vicki Willett, First Grade Teacher, PAEMST Awardee from Ohio, community
1585. Jap-Nanak Makkar, Assistant Professor of English, Wilkes University
1586. Kaori Nakama, Student, University of Hawaii
1587. Patrize Aguilar, Student, UNR
1588. Sandra OWENS, Faculty, UNLV
1589. Christa Casillas, Parent, Community
1590. Julius L Davis, MBA, UNLV Alumni, Southern Nevada Resident

Note: affiliations are provided for identification purposes only.
Cc: Kevin Carman, Provost; David Shintani, Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education; David Zeh, Vice Provost for Graduate Education; Jill Heaton, Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs; Shannon Ellis, Vice President of Student Services; Eloisa Gordon-Mora, University Inclusion and Diversity Officer

1) See reports from the Southern Poverty Law Center <>,
Anti-Defamation League <>, and American Association of University Professors <>
2) See the Chronicle of Higher Education, April 6, 2018 <>
3) As reported by the Reno Gazette-Journal, August 13, 2017 <>
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