JULY 1st & 2nd, 2024

Join the PROVISION staff July 1st & 2nd at Polson High School field. 
Training by former college and pro players.

$50 camp fee

YOUTH: 3rd-8th
1st, Monday: 4-6pm
2nd, Tuesday: 9-11am & 4-6pm

HIGH SCHOOL: 9th-12th
1st, Monday: 6-8pm
2nd, Tuesday: 11am-1pm & 6-8pm

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Email *
Athlete Name *
Session *
Parent/Guardian Name: *
Parent/Guardian Cell Number *
Emergency Contact Name #1 *
Emergency Contact Number #1 *
Emergency Contact Name #2
Emergency Contact Number #2
Shirt Size (Youth or Adult) *
Athlete Insurance Provider *
Insurance Policy Number *
Please list any physical limitations, allergies or medical conditions staff should be aware of.
I hereby register my child for the above-described camp and authorize the staff to direct them in participation in camp activities. My child has no medical or emotional problems which may affect their ability to safely participate in this camp. The camp staff is authorized to attend to any health problem or injury my child may have while attending camp. I will allow the involved hospital and/or doctor to administer the required treatment of an emergency condition. I also understand that all incurred costs are my personal responsibility, and that Pro Vision Academy, Polson High School or No Quarter Sports, LLC assumes no liability for injuries to football camp participants. *
Payment *
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