TSCHAA Diploma
TSCHAA will issue a student a non accredited diploma (a homeschool association cannot offer an accredited diploma). In order to qualify for a diploma from TSCHAA, you must meet the minimum homeschool graduation requirements set by the state of SC.

The diploma fee is $25 for a navy blue card stock cover, $14 pdf only (print at home), or $45 for a navy blue padded diploma.

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Name of Student (first, middle, last): *
Graduation Date (month, day, year): *
Name of Homeschool:
Email Address: *
You will be emailed a copy of the diploma for verification before printing.
Mailing Address: *
SC Required Courses for Graduation:
Your student should have met, at a minimum, the requirements for a SC homeschool.
Did you meet the 3rd option requirements by teaching at least one hundred eighty days in the following subject areas: the basic instructional areas of reading, writing, mathematics, science, and social studies, and in grades seven through twelve, composition and literature? *
Do you have lessons plans, samples of student work, and record of 180 days each year until graduation? *
Were you a TSCHAA member during your child's entire high school? *
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