Report YouTube Hate Speech Videos and Channels
Greetings. I am collecting examples of hate speech videos on YouTube, and of YouTube channels that contain hate speech. Please use this form to report examples of specific YouTube hate speech videos and/or the specific YouTube channels that have uploaded those videos. For YouTube channels that are predominantly filled with hate speech videos, the channel URL alone will suffice (rather than individual video URLs) and is of particular interest. For the purposes of this study, "hate speech" is defined to be materials that a reasonable observer would feel are in violation of Google's YouTube Community Standards Terms of Use here:

For now, please only report materials that are in English, and that can be accessed publicly. All inputs on this form may be released publicly after verification as part of this project, with the exception of your (optional) name and email address, which will be kept private and will not released or used for any purposes beyond this study. This form may be reached via Thank you for participating in this study to better understand the nature and scope of hate speech on YouTube.

Lauren Weinstein - - 
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Full URL of YouTube video or channel that you are reporting (beginning with http:// or https://) *
Title/Name of YouTube video or YouTube channel that you are reporting *
Type of hate speech being reported (check as many as required, please) *
How did you discover this video? *
Optional: Please explain in more detail where you found out about the video or channel (e.g. which site, which page, what station, what search query, etc.)
Did you report the video and/or channel to YouTube/Google? *
Any additional information or comments? (optional)
Your name (optional)
Your email address (optional)
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