NYC Area MHYSP Alum Singles Club Interest
We're organizing a club to bring together singles in the NYC area. If you're interested in joining in for social events to get to know other MHYSP (MIT, Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Princeton, etc.) alum singles in the area, please fill out this form so we can notify you when events happen. Looking forward to meeting you in and around NYC!

Help us spread the word too by sharing this with other MHYSP alum singles in the NYC area, including surrounding cities such as Philadelphia, Princeton, Stamford and New Haven.

Note that this form is for alums; please only fill it out if you have already exited college. Thank you!

We also have a Facebook group: We post all events twice, once to the mailing list (which you will be added to after filling out this form) and once to the Facebook group.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name *
Email *
College name *
Year you graduated undergrad *
Current city *
Gender *
Suggestions (if you are willing to serve as a club volunteer, please indicate so)
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