Dear Nationalism Studies Alumni and Supporting Scholars and Academics,
On the 12th of September, CEU made the decision to ban student recruitment for the Nationalism Studies Program. This news came as a shock to students, faculty, and staff alike. The information was initially communicated only to two faculty members—department head Szabolcs Pogonyi and professor Michael Miller—without any prior warning or opportunity for discussion. The CEU senate made no effort to inform students, most faculty, or alumni about this decision.
The CEU administration’s complete lack of transparency in their decision-making process regarding the program’s future, both in the short and long term, has left the community in a state of uncertainty. Everyone is left relying on hearsay and guesswork to determine what lies ahead for the students and the program itself.
In the hopes of receiving a direct and clear response to the concerns raised, we ask for your solidarity in signing this letter to the CEU Rector and Senate.
If you stand with the Nationalism Studies Program, please add your name to the letter below.
Open Letter to the Rector and Senate of Central European University
Subject: Urgent Appeal Regarding the Closure of the Nationalism Studies Program at CEU
Dear Professor Shalini Randeria, pro-Rectors and Members of the Senate,
We, the undersigned alumni of CEU’s Nationalism Studies Program along with scholars and academics from institutions outside of CEU who support the program, write to express our profound concern and disappointment regarding the recent decision to stop recruitment for the Nationalism Studies Program.
This decision was made without prior public announcement or consultation, which has left us both alarmed and unsettled.
The Nationalism Studies Program has long been a cornerstone of CEU’s commitment to academic excellence and intellectual engagement since 1998 It has provided a critical platform for exploring and contributing significantly to our understanding and discourse on nationalism, populism, ethnicity and further crucial issues.
The program has played a vital role in advancing knowledge and fostering critical discussions about nationalism. The program’s contributions to scholarly discussion on nationalism, at a time when these issues are increasingly urgent, cannot be overstated. Its removal threatens to undermine the academic integrity and scholarly contributions that CEU has built its reputation upon. The sudden closure of the recruitment procedure for prospective students jeopardizes the future of this essential field of study and undermines the values of transparency and accountability that CEU stands for.
Our concerns revolve around several key issues:
The decision to stop recruitment for the program without any public announcement is deeply troubling. As alumni and supporters of the program, we find this lack of transparency unacceptable.
Additionally, the decision to stop the recruitment without consulting or informing the alumni, faculty, and current students demonstrates a troubling disregard for the voices and interests of those who have been invested in and impacted by the program.
Engaging with the community that supports and benefits from the program should have been a priority.
In light of these concerns, we strongly believe that the Nationalism Studies Program deserves to be preserved.
We urge the Rector and the members of the Senate to engage in dialogue with the CEU community and take steps to ensure that this vital area of study continues to thrive within the university.
We hope that this matter will be addressed with the seriousness it deserves and that a constructive resolution will be reached.
We look forward to your prompt response.
Nationalism Studies Alumni and Nationalism Studies Supporters