Music Teacher Clear the List!
Calling all Music Educators! Musically Minted is excited to have the opportunity to give back to the amazing community that has supported us for so long! Starting August 1st - the end of August we will be giving back 10% of our proceeds right back to some amazing music classrooms! While we can't promise to be able to purchase items on every list submitted, we will do our best to divide and purchase from as many lists as we can! Here's what to do: 

- Submit your Amazon wish list before August 1st to be eligible
- At the end of August we will calculate the total amount we have to purchase items
- At random, we will select lists and purchase as many items as we can

If your list is not selected, please know we want to purchase from every list gets submitted, but unfortunately may not be able to. We hope to do this again in the future so keep an eye out and THANK YOU for always supporting Musically Minted! 
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What is your name?
What is your email?
Please share your Amazon wish list below (it must be public for us to view and purchase from)
Thanks for entering and we can't wait to clear some items from these lists! Purchases will be made in the beginning of September. Please make sure your lists are active until the end of September to be safe. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to
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