Intent to Re-Enroll for 2020-2021
This is a survey of current student intent to re-enroll at St. Eugene for the 2020-2021 school year. It is NOT a commitment or guarantee of re-enrollment. This information will only be used to estimate the number of open seats for new students. Please respond by December 31st, 2019. Thank you!
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1. What is your name (last name first)? *
2. Do you intend to re-enroll any of your current students at CSSE for the 2020-2021 school year? *
3. If you answered "Yes" to the above question, please fill out the FIRST and LAST name of each student you intend to re-enroll (please separate each student's name with a comma).
4. Please enter the anticipated grade level each student listed above will enter in 2020-2021 (please enter grade level in the same order as student names listed above, and separate each student's grade level with a comma).
5. If you answered "No" to question #2, please list the name of your student(s) you do NOT intend to re-enroll.
6. Will any siblings be enrolling as new students for 2020-2021?
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7. If siblings will be enrolling, in which grades will  they be enrolling?
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