"All Things Food & Environment" Food Tank Summit During Sundance 2025: Attendee Application
Attendance to the "All Things Food & Environment" Food Tank Summit during Sundance is by invite-only. We have a select number of openings available by application. We invite you to complete this attendee application form with your information. We will follow up with an invitation if your application has been successful.

Date: Saturday, January 25th

Location: The Nespresso House at Blue Sky Ski Lounge: The Auberge Resort Lodge at Blue Sky, 1835 Three Kings Drive #10, Park City, UT

Event Page: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/all-things-food-environment-during-sundance-2025-tickets-1053104141837?aff=oddtdtcreator

Direct questions to Kenzie at Kenzie@FoodTank.com.

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Any additional information that will support your application.  
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