料理・藝術本事:種植與料理課 Cookery and Art Practice: Planting and Cooking Class
Cookery and Art Practice: Planting and Cooking Class

日期  |  2021.2.27 (六)
時間  |  11:30am - 2:30pm
地點  |  [ PH3 ] 香港灣仔皇后大道東 186 – 190 號 3 樓
對象  |  灣仔街坊
語言  |  廣東話
是次活動設現場參與名額15名(先到先得),及網上直播參與名額65名,請預先登記以取得煮食材料及Google meet連結。

(1) 直接Inbox本專頁,提供參加者姓名、人數、聯絡電郵/電話、指明希望參與現場或直播課堂
(2) 透過google form登記:https://forms.gle/EG3BbXhtm6eryAQx8

*** 現場參加者請自備圍裙 及 種植用的手套

第一節 | 本地有機蔬菜融入生活 料理課 - 岸本何穎怡  |  11:30am - 2pm

Food for Soul 食養導師· 岸本太太· 以食養角度解說、從雜飲、多菜小肉海鮮、整全蔬食的「轉化過程」中所有機會面對的「身體變化」、「情感上的變化」、「精神上的變化」⋯⋯

第二節 | 家家有種菜 種植課 - 張薇  |  2pm - 2:30pm
關於食養導師 岸本何穎怡(岸本太太)
導師網誌: https://mrskishimoto.wordpress.com/
主辦機構:黑月 BLACK MOON


About Our Workshop:
The cooking and planting class invites Kishimoto Ho WY and Cheung Mei to share their culinary experience with local vegetables. You are going to learn from Mrs. Kishimoto on how to incorporate local organic farm products and the "macrobiotic lifestyle" into our daily living, while with Cheung Mei you will grow your own plant of local vegetables, get tips on how to grow vegetable seedlings and be delighted by hearing interesting stories of local farmers.
Date  |  2021.2.27 (Sat)
Time  |  11:30am - 2:30pm
Venue  |  [ PH3 ] 3/F, 186-190 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai
For Wan Chai neighbours. Free of charge.
In Cantonese
We invite 15 participants to take part in the class at PH3 and 65 participants to take part via Google Meet. Please make a reservation to get the cooking ingredients and the meeting link.
To make a reservation, please:
(1) Send us an inbox message via FB with your name, no. of participants, contact email/number and indicate your choice (in-person class or online class)
(2) Reserve via google form:  https://forms.gle/EG3BbXhtm6eryAQx8

*** For participants who will take part at PH3, please bring your own apron and gloves for planting.

Session 1: Cooking Class by  Kishimoto Ho WY - Organic Veggie in Daily life |  11:30am - 2pm

Food for Soul- from the perspective of food nutrition, Mrs. Kishimoto will explain how our physical being, emotional being and spiritual being will transform by converting from mixed diet to plant-based diet and whole food diet.
It is Mrs. Kishimoto's belief that all kinds of transformation is possible in time, when we allow ourselves the space and tenderness for our body to obtain natural health gradually.
Session 2: Planting Class by Cheung Mei  - Home-grown vegetables |  2pm - 2:30pm

Tasting life through planting vegetables- we are all interconnected. What else could touch our souls better than that? It is my hope to sow these seeds together in our workshop.
About Kishimoto Ho WY, the teacher of "macrobiotic lifestyle"
KISHIMOTO HO WY has been practising a “macrobiotic lifestyle” since 2008. Through food, she explores the nature of things, accepts all flavours and searches for possibilities and harmony in life. Through running programmes on macrobiotic lifestyle, Japanese food, food education and start-ups for women,  she guides students to enjoy their harmony lives with their talents.
Mrs. Kishimoto's website: https://mrskishimoto.wordpress.com/
About Cheung Mei
Graduated from the Department of Journalism and Communication of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Interdisciplinary Humanities and Social Thoughts Master's Program of New York University, Cheung has been a journalist and editor for a long time before becoming a freelance curator for agriculture and community issues. She is the curator of "Community School".
Organized by: BLACK MOON
Co-organized by: Cultural & Leisure Services Committee, Wan Chai District Council
Sponsored by: Wan Chai District Council

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