Application form - Moving Mountains Together - Erasmus+ Youth Exchange - Concordia Rhône-Alpes
Hello ! 

You are about to register for the ERASMUS+ exchange "Moving mountains together" organized by EUSALP with Concordia.

Application are closing on May 30th 2024. The participants will be contacted at the end of the application period. 

This camp is aimed at young people aged 18 to 30 who reside in one of the 7 Alpine countries.

It will take place from July 15th to 20th, 2024 at Chalet de la Haute-Joux in Cerniebaud, France.

The camp's themes include climate change, water management, and local economy.

28 young people and 7 group leaders will participate in the camp and discuss these topics through activities, field visits, workshops, and meetings.

All transportation, accommodation, and meals expenses are covered by Erasmus+. A contribution of €75 per person will be required for the stay.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at this email:
Email *
First name *
Last name  *
Date of birth  *
Gender ? *
Country of residence  *
Postal Adress  *
Phone number  *
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