Bulk Beef from Highland Spring Farm
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Bulk Beef Order Form
Find us on Facebook www.facebook.com/HighlandSpringFarm or our website www.HighlandSpringFarm.com.

You can also order by the cut here: https://highlandspringfarm.grazecart.com/store
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When would you like your beef? *
We process bulk beef orders from November through April. Choose your timeframe below. From April through November is our farmers market season and we pause bulk beef processing to focus on processing for individual cuts. Check out our online store to buy individual cuts until your bulk beef is ready: https://highlandspringfarm.grazecart.com/store

Looking to get your beef at a timeframe not listed, contact us here: highlandspringfarm@gmail.com

Scottish Highland Beef - $6.00/lb hanging weight
We began our fold of Scottish Highland cattle in 2010 and have grown steadily from our first two cows and their two calves to our current size of over 40 cows.  Our cattle are rotated on pasture during the summer and fed hay over the winter that we raise ourselves.  Our steers are on pasture for much of their lives and some may be finished with a little grain to help get them to the desired finish weight.

The highland's shaggy coat provides warmth in the cooler months resulting in a leaner and healthier beef while maintaining good marbling and excellent flavor.  Beef is sold by the quarter, half or whole steer priced at $6.00/lb hanging weight.  Expect 140-175 lbs per quarter with the final product weight being about 60% of the hanging weight. A $200 down payment is necessary to secure your order.

For those with less freezer space, we will offer eighths at $6.50/lb hanging weight.  Bulk beef will be processed and available for pickup in the fall.  We will once again offer beef by the cut all year.  Contact us to find out availability of your desired cut!  Our by the cut pricing can be found on our website:  www.HighlandSpringFarm.com
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