Understanding your Pedagogical Alignment

How to use this activity
For each of the 4 questions below, choose the statement that is the 'best fit' to how you believe things 'should' be (which may be different from how things currently are).

Once you submit the form you will receive an email. In that email your pedagogical alignment will be explained and you will be guided towards support to help you to use these insights as you think about your future practice. (Please ensure that you type in your email carefully otherwise the insights email may not be able to reach you!)

Queries: If you have any questions about this activity please contact fiona@onelifelearning.co.uk

Source: This activity is from the book From EdTech to PedTech: Changing the way we think about digital technology (Aubrey-Smith & Twining, 2024) - available from  https://routledge.pub/From-EdTech-to-PedTech 

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As part of completing this activity your email address is captured and temporarily stored in order to send you your activity results. No other identifying features are captured. Your email address will not be used for any other purposes.
Pick the one statement that best fits your personal beliefs about learners and learning. *
Pick the one statement that best fits your personal beliefs about teachers and teaching.
Pick the one statement that best fits your personal beliefs about knowledge. *
Pick the one statement that best fits your personal beliefs about the purpose of schooling.
Which of these best describes you? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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