Canadian Artist + Musician Relief Fund
Thanks for applying to the Canadian Artist + Musician Relief Fund. Please fill out the survey as best as you can, or message us if there is difficulty doing so.

A few notes:
1. This fund will be SPLIT EQUALLY between all in need, on a first come-first serve basis, but aim to prioritize lowest income and minority groups first. We hope to raise enough funds to accommodate as many people affected as possible.

2. Our goal is to make disbursements once a week (First funds released on March 22nd) and depending on funds received and get them to people in a timely manner. We will work to get funds dispersed as quickly as possible.

3. We want to help as many people as possible. Our goal is $200 a person. The exact amount will be based on our donations received, the amount of requests we have, and the requests we project will come in the near future.
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What is your first and last name? *
How do you identify? We understand that many of these identities intersect. *
Where do you live? (*Note that currently we are only supporting MONTREAL and TORONTO -- You may still fill out the survey if you are outside these areas and we will keep you updated) *
What is your artistic discipline? *
Link to artist website or social media profile. *
Have any of your events or jobs been canceled due to the outbreak of COVID-19 ? How much income or potential income was lost? *
What is the minimum amount of money you need right now to cover your immediate expenses? *
If you are an artist or musician who is experiencing a decline in business as a result of Covid-19 closures, please explain your situation below and let us know how much you need to cover immediate expenses or lost income *
What is your income? *
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