MacroHI Sustainability Materiality Survey - Stakeholders

As a certified B-corp, MacroHI hopes to keep " using business as a force for good. "
To focus the Company’s attention and implementation to better tailor the material topics toward stakeholder needs, we invite you to participate in this survey.

We would like to know how much you (our stakeholders) are concerned about MacroHI's performance (including two brands: AROMASE and juliArt) on specific sustainability issues.

The questions should take approximately 10 minutes to complete.
Your input will serve significant purposes in the planning of future goals, schedules, and disclosure for the material topics.

No. 1~4 covers topics in【Governance】area
No. 5~9 covers topics in【Customers】area
No. 10~14 covers topics in【Environment】area
No. 15~18 covers topics in【Community】area
No. 19~22 covers topics in【Workers】area

All information provided will be applied solely toward the analysis of material issues.
Once again, we appreciate your assistance and support!
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Your Relationship with MacroHI *
Name of Your Organization
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