Universities in China!
In order to try and encourage more students to come study in China, we are collecting information from past students about their experience studying at Chinese universities.

This should take less than two minute to finish, but we appreciate any more time you are willing to spend on it!  
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Which university are you attending/did you attend in China?
What are you studying/did you study there?
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If you are doing/completed a degree program, what subject was it in?
Would you recommend your university to others?
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Would you recommend your course to others?
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How would you rate the quality of teaching?
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What is/was your housing?
What housing would you recommend to future students?
How would you rate the quality of the dorms on your campus?
To be avoided!
As expected, no complaints.
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How would you rate the university facilities in general?
To be avoided!
As expected, no complaints.
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How would you rate the social/night life?
Outrageously good
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How would you rate your overall experience studying in China?
Complete waste of time!
Valuable and worthwhile experience!
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Could you mention a few positives about the university/course you attended/are attending?
Is there any particular information future students should know in advance about your university or course?
What did you like most about the city you lived in?
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