BCRD Membership Self-Reporting 2019
Report on what you got up to last month!

Please remember that dues are paid at the beginning of the month they are for. For example, February dues are due early February, and are reported via this form early March, etc. Please pay dues when you fill out this form, so you don't forget.

You can pay dues at paypal.me/BullCityRollerDerby

If technical difficulties prevent you from paying dues, contact the BOD!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What's your Derby Name?
What month are you reporting for?
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Did you either pay dues, or need dues waived for the month you are reporting on? You can paypal bullcityrollerderby@gmail.com
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Are you a member of a committee?
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Did you participate in a committee event or meeting for the month you are reporting on?
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How many practices were you able to attend, including scrimmages?
How many of those practices were scrimmages?
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