Crew Application - Phoenix Fan Fusion 2024
Our team members are fully paid seasonal employees of Phoenix Fan Fusion who provide their talents, skills, and passion to make Phoenix Fan Fusion a memorable experience for all!  You will need to completed a W-4 and an I-9.

We'll ask you to work a minimum of twelve (12) hours over the course of our event, though you are welcome to work more (and many do!).  Some positions are needed prior to the show, which would let you complete your hours and then enjoy the entirety of the show.

Shifts are typically in 4-hour or 6-hour blocks, depending on the position and need.  We'll provide you the training and guidance you need to successfully complete your Volunteer Crew requirements.  
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Name *
First and last name
Did you work with us in 2023? *
Email *
Phone number *
Which position(s) are you interested in? *
Please tell us, briefly, about any previous experience that would relate to this/these positions. *
If you were referred by a current staff member, please enter their name here. If not, please enter "NA". *
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