Weld County Cure Volunteers

WHAT: We are curing ballots in CD8 for Yadira Caraveo. Curing involves knocking on a voter's door. You will receive training. You will need to be driving between different locations.

WHEN: Saturday November  9 through Wednesday November 13

WHERE: Weld County Dems Office

TIMES: 11am,1pm, 3pm on Saturday and Monday. 1pm and 3pm on Sunday.

Please fill out the form below to let us know you are available to cure ballots in. We will be reaching out to you to confirm when you are scheduled. 

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First Name  *
Last Name *
Phone number *
I am available on the following days/times: *
Do you speak spanish?  *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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