#OTVAmplfies: Boost Black Voices VIRTUAL ALLYSHIP FORUM Whats Next? Wielding Your Power: Allyship, Individuals, and Institutions
WHATS NEXT? Let's Dive In: On The Verge invites you to join us for our second national and local Virtual Forum for freelancers and independent contractors of all kinds-- artists, social activists, theatremakers and patrons where we will continue to unpack allyship, collective action and the big ask: How can we wield individual power towards anti-racist action?
On The Verge Te invita a ustedes a unirse con nosotros para un segundo nacional y local ayuntamiento virtual para artistas, activistas sociales, creadores de teatro y patrocinadores donde podemos desempacar aliados, acción colectiva y la pregunta grande: Que debería Hacer el Arte en la actualidad?
**Join us on Wednesday, July 29th at 4pm PST/7pm EST. **