Evaluation for Civic Engagement Mini-Grant (Voting Rights Expansion Track)

Thank you for being a Civic Engagement Fellow! We are honored to support and learn from your work. This program is funded by the Mellon Foundation with additional support from The Eugene M. Lang Foundation.

This form aims to capture the impact of your experience and collect curricular materials and any resources you used and recommend, as well as learn about how you drew upon the voting modules and to what effect. These will be shared through “Civic Engagement Resources” (contributions are credited to faculty) with the goal of inspiring colleagues across the nation to integrate deliberative dialogue and voter education into their courses. 

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Part I of V: Basic Information 
First Name *
Last Name *
Title *
Email  *
Institution name  *
Institution type  *
Department  *
Course Title (If applicable)
Approximately how many students did you reach? *
What are your course's/co-curricular activity's learning objectives? *
What semester did you teach this course or lead this co-curricular activity? 
Please select the Periclean Community Convenings you attended or plan to attend
Please share any feedback you have about the convenings you attended.
Part II of V: Contributing Resources 
This section captures information to be adapted and shared in our Civic Engagement Resource Database.
Describe your strategy for incorporating Voter Engagement/ Suppression into your course (1-2 paragraphs). This description will be featured in our online database.
What aspect(s) of Voter Activation and/or Suppression did you focus on? (Example: incarcerated people’s right to vote, gerrymandering, etc.)
How did you seek to empower students to address present-day challenges to voting?  *
What, if any, other Project Pericles modules did you use?  *
Please share materials related to the work you accomplished as a Civic Engagement Fellow.

Materials may include: list of outside resources you used, PowerPoint slides, flyers or social media graphics, evaluations, and your syllabus. 

Please email your materials to arielle@projectpericles.org or submit a link to a folder of your material below. 

Note: Your evaluation is considered complete after these materials are submitted.
If sharing a link to a folder of your materials, provide here: 
Part III of V: Fellowship Evaluation 
By participating in this program, did you (check all that apply):  *
If you'd like to elaborate on the above, please do so here. 
How, if at all, do you believe your fellowship activities impacted your students’ attitudes about their role in American democracy?

How do you envision implementing this course and/or Project Pericles’ Civic Engagement Resources beyond this semester?

Part IV of V: Reflecting on the Fellowship 
Please share the impact of this fellowship on your teaching and/or involvement with civic engagement on campus. Feel free to include anecdotes or personal reflections.  *
Please share any feedback about this program, and/or ways we could improve the experience for future fellows.
Fellows are eligible to reapply for this grant. The goal would be to build upon work accomplished in this semester. Are you interested in being considered for another Civic and Voter Engagement Fellowship award for a future semester? If so, please explain briefly here.
Part V of V: Sending the $1,000 Award 
The check will be addressed to your college or university. As per the RFP,  “The grant award should be used at the discretion of the institution and the awardee."
Please write your mailing address on your campus (example: business office) where the check should be sent to and to whose attention. Checks will be mailed upon receipt of all evaluation materials. 
Do you have any concerns about where/when the check should be mailed? If so, please indicate below. 

(IE: campus post office is closed for winter break, so mail after January 12.)

By submitting this evaluation, the fellow agrees to and understands: Project Pericles may publish materials submitted through this evaluation to be featured in our Project Pericles Civic Engagement Resources and Database. This database will inspire others to incorporate the Civic Engagement Resources into their courses. Project Pericles will attribute materials to its faculty author and institution. If there is something you do not wish to be highlighted, please let Project Pericles know.

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