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ASEE ELD 2023 Voting for Round Table Topics
The round table format during ASEE ELD 2023 conference will consist of two 45 minute sessions for a total of 90 minutes of
time. There will be a total of
tables including eleven topics of top choices and one additional "open topic". Please
for your
favorite discussion topics from the following categories
Topics are organized by categories only for the purpose of readability
) by
June 9, 2023
Call for volunteers: if you are interested in facilitating discussion, please provide your contact information. I will contact you after June 9.
If you have any questions about the round table, please contact Marina Zhang at
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Learn more
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Understanding the impact of AI tools - beyond ChatGPT
AI and changing collections for the future
AI/ML/Generative AI in Higher Education
AI applications to STEM libraries and how it impacts library services and/or library work
AI and Chat GPT. What it means for librarians in instruction, outreach, and evaluation
How are AI tools like Chat GPT, Elicit, and changing engineering students' information behavior? If/how should they change our instruction?
Exploring the Output of ChatGPT/Generative AI and LLMs
Career Development
Ongoing professional development needs for engineering librarians
How are new librarians being trained or welcomed to the profession?
What professional development webinars would you like to see next year?
Collection Management
Historical engineering textbooks: keep or withdraw?
The quality of engineering e-book collections beyond ASCE, ASME, Elsevier, IEEE, Springer Nature, SAE, Taylor & Francis, and Wiley. Comments on ICE, IET IGI Global, etc.?
Consolidation of libraries and/or collections
Data Services
Acquiring commercial data for library users
OSTP memo how are we preparing for it?
Research Data Services
Data Repositories
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility
EDISJ - what it means for engineering librarians
EDIA in STEM Education
Instruction and Reference
Teaching Patent Sources - esp Patent Public Search; Teaching the patent literature; patent discovery process
Standards in teaching and collection development
Discussion and Examples of hands-on learning (active learning)
Experience of teaching for-credit courses
Future of Library Information Literacy Programs for STEM
Librarians Doing Research
Qualitative research
Quantitative research - statistics
How to find research collaborators
Technology Support
What electronic lab notebook software and guidelines/procedures are being used in engineering classes and labs?
What cool things are being checked out at your circulation desk beyond book to support engineering students?
Support for text data mining and analysis
Open Access/Open Educational Resources
Open Science
How is collection development changing in your library with OA?
Are you doing anything to promote use of OER with your faculty? If so, what are you doing? If not, why not?
Do you promote OA journals among your faculty? If so, how? If not, why not?
Open educational resources for STEM
Other Category
Experience and suggestions for supporting faculty in grant writing
Working effectively with publisher/vendor reps.
Sustainability and libraries - Addressing climate change
Effective and creative ways to build relationships with (sometimes reluctant) liaison departments.
Outreach on a budget
How to know the unknowns--best (and failed) ways to figure out the needs and pain points of researchers in liaison departments? (it'd be nice to share the needs already figured out, and also share successes and failed methods used to figure out those that are unknown)
What do you do for outreach and marketing?
Outreach, but specifically to engineering students. Maybe you have support from faculty, but your students aren't really engaging with the library for research projects...
Scholarly Communications
Transformative agreement with major publishers: pros and cons, save money, ect.
ACM's price increase and open access model
Do you include coverage of altmetrics when instructing on impact factors? If so, why -- and what type of reception do you receive?
Institutional Repositories
Work/Life Balance
Work/life balance on the tenure track
Burnout of staff: what is being done to mitigate burnout.
If you're interested in facilitating discussion, please provide your name and email address.
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